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freak2code is the blog about latest geek news,software reviews ,trends in technology and more informative stuff......

Tuesday 14 August 2012

WordPress for iOS Update Available

WordPress for iOS Update Available

We’ve focused on the feedback we’ve gotten from the past two releases to make 2.6.4 the most stable release of WordPress for iOS in a long time. This version cures numerous bugs and has been tested especially carefully in two areas: Media Uploader and Post Write/Edit.
WordPress for iOS version 2.6.4 is now available in the App Store.
The last WordPress for iOS version (2.6.3) introduced a bug where the app would save line breaks inconsistently in the code, and also remove line breaks when editing posts. These bugs have been resolved.
We think we’ve also fixed many of the issues around the Media Uploader (before if you uploaded many pictures it sometimes wouldn’t work or even crash the app). Now we’re able to upload tons of images without the app crashing, we’re really hoping it works better for all of you as well.


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