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Tuesday 14 August 2012

App-A-Day Desktop Calendar 2013

App-A-Day Desktop Calendar 2013

It’s a calendar for 2013. But if you can’t wait to find out those awesome iOS apps for your iOS devices, you can also use the App-A-Day desktop calendar 2013 now.
App-A-Day Desktop Calendar 2013

This is a well-designed desktop calendar 2013 that measures 5.5 x 5.25 inches. As we can see from the images, the desktop calendar features gorgeous layout and vivid colors, and comes with a soft cover and 370 pages printed with environmentally-safe inks. Most importantly, the daily desktop calendar can tell you about a new iOS app every day covering travel & food tools, games, music and more in order to offer you another way to get those useful iOS apps instead of only via the Internet.
App-A-Day Desktop Calendar 2013
App-A-Day Desktop Calendar 2013
The App-A-Day desktop calendar 2013 is priced at $13.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Urban Outfitters for more details.


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