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Tuesday 14 August 2012

WordPress for iOS 2.7 Now Available

WordPress for iOS 2.7 Now Available

After three months of development, WordPress for iOS 2.7 is now available in the App Store. This version fixes over 100 bugs, which means better performance and fewer crashes.

Reliability Updates

The main focus of this release is to improve the app’s performance and reliability. The app has been moved to Core Data, which is a much improved way of managing information locally on the device. Also, the methods used to communicate over XML-RPC have been updated to better handle communication issues and increase reliability of the app. In total there have been 117 changes in this release.
If you’re upgrading from a previous version of WordPress for iOS, your data will be migrated to the new version. If this doesn’t work, you should be able to delete the app and reinstall.

UI Improvements

We’ve cleaned up the Post Editor interface to make it easier to write and edit posts and pages. Simply select the icons along the bottom of the post editor to edit post settings, view attachments and add media. You can also now upload multiple media objects at once!

‘Pull to refresh’ has been added to the list views of the app. To refresh the list, simply pull down until the arrow flips around and then release:

Also, emails and URLs in the comment view are now tappable so that you can easily get in touch with someone who has left a comment on your site.
Be sure to update as soon as possible, and please let us know what you think of WordPress for iOS 2.7.

Get Involved

We are always looking for iOS devs at any skill level to contribute towards the app. If you want to get involved,visit the Developer section at
Please follow the WordPress for iOS Open Source project @WordPressiOS on Twitter to get the latest news and notifications about updates.


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