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Tuesday 14 August 2012



 Top Five Features:
    1. Real time form builder.With 123ContactForm Software Review Boffin found it simple to create contact forms, surveys, registration forms and order forms for any website. Users can create forms from scratch or choose from the collection of pre-defined templates. Software Review Boffin found this mobile and web form builder requires no programming experience and offers advanced features and integrations. A drag & drop form editor helps select the needed fields of any form and customize them. There is a wide range of basic and advanced fields available, along with validation options and password protection.

  1. Customized form appearance and advanced behaviour settings.Software Review Boffin liked the way forms can be styled with personalized form themes and custom CSS, in order to blend with the graphics of any website. Content of forms can be translated in any given language. Sub-user permissions can be created. Notifications over submissions are delivered via e-mail at any given address, 123ContactForm supports multiple recipients. Custom "thank you" messages and webpage redirection after submission. Rules can be applied over fields, so that they hide or show up depending on conditional logic. Forms may be published virtually anywhere just by copy-pasting a few lines of code: on regular HTML webpages, blogs created on Blogger and WordPress, social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace). Published forms can take the shape of lightboxes (opened by floating buttons, text links or images). For developers, 123ContactForm provides the option of publishing forms as inline HTML, which makes it possible to tweak codes.
  2. Highly secure forms.123ContactForm builds secure web forms with various data protection options. Anti-spam options include CAPTCHA and smart CAPTCHA (which appears only if there is a sign of abuse over the form), limitation of submissions on the same IP, password protection, country filter. Paid plans offer SSL data encryption.
  3. Integration with 3rd party apps and payment processing.Order forms come with prices assigned to fields and payment processing are handy e-commerce solutions. 123ContactForm provides price calculation and empowers users to accept payment from three main processors: PayPal, Google CheckOut, Authorize.Net. Third party apps extend the capabilities of forms. Users can link forms with MailChimp, SalesForce, Google Docs, Web Hook and many other.
  4. Advanced submissions administration.Form submissions are stored safely in the account repository on 123ContactForm servers. They can be exported to CSV and aggregated into customized reports and charts.

Ease of Use:

  1. This 123ContactForm web form generator is user-friendly and intuitive. No coding skills are required to handle the software, everyone can create advanced forms for any webpage.
  2. 123ContactForm is enterprise ready and offers complete solutions for a variety of business needs. The templates provided are very useful for non-technology users.
  3. This 123ContactForm software has dedicated servers, all submitted data is remotely hosted. Therefore, users are not required to administrate their own servers and server-side scripting for forms, 123ContactForm handles it. Using 123ContactForm is very simple. Just access their website and sign up for one of the freemium plans provided, then enter the dashboard of your account. From the Dashboard users can view charts over submissions and administrate their forms and their users. To build a new form is simple, click "Create a New Form" in your dashboard, choose the form type you need from the templates and models provided (or opt to create it from scratch) and then follow the 3-step wizard to customize and publish your form.

Help and Support:

Live chat with the support team is available 24/7. Trained people are there to help with any inquiry. Software Review Boffin put this to the test and was impressed!
There is a Help and Documentation section with FAQs where users can reach the answer of almost any question. If a user has more technical queries, they can open a support ticket and the 123ContactForm team will get back within 24 hours.

The Top Three Reasons to Choose 123ContactForm:

  1. User-friendly interface with real-time form editor, which helps build any web form and survey with no programming effort. 123ContactForms offers free form templates for a variety of needs: customer surveys, company studies, health and education forms, application forms for NPOs.
  2. Highly customizable forms. Users can adapt any element of the form, from the appearance and styling to notification settings, security options and third party apps integration. High quality features and options that no other form building service offers.
  3. The ability to publish forms on virtually any platform.


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