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Wednesday 22 August 2012

“Coming Soon” Pages: Be Successful or Die Trying

“Coming Soon” Pages: Be Successful or Die Trying

Thinking about building a website? Welcome to the club of "happy website owners" – where the headache of website creation haunts us day to day. Even if you have a team of professionals who promise to build a website in the shortest period, it could be several months before the complete website can go live. So, using a "Coming Soon" page is a good idea.

Here are other reasons why you should get a "Coming Soon" page:
  1. A "Coming Soon" page is much better than a default message like "this domain has been sold".
  2. It’s a good opportunity to collect email subscribers.
  3. It helps let people know you in advance. When they’ll be familiar with your project, it’ll be easier for them to lend their support to your efforts.
  4. A published "Coming Soon" page will start your domain age counting. While you tinker with your website it’s already been crawled over by search engines.
  5. If your landing page is cool enough then there are chances that it’ll go viral and will be included in different showcases.
A good "Coming Soon" page should bring people a clear understanding of what the website will be about. Unfortunately, nobody can definitely say if your page is good enough to rock the web. But if you need tips on how to create an effectively stunning "Coming Soon" page, you’ve come to the right article.
Read Also: "Call To Action" Buttons: Guidelines, Best Practices And Examples

Make an Infographic

Infographics are attractive visual forms of information display that is easy to read, interpret and remember. If you’re lucky enough, you’ll have 2-3 seconds to grab a visitor’s attention and make them stay on your page. Not only must the information be interesting or surprisingly revealing, the usage of the right graphical elements can help make it a keeper. Here are a few interesting examples of infographic landing pages.


This web design has many small elements which can be looked through for hours. It looks lovely and even inspirational. Moreover, the page has a short video integrated there that helps to better understand the future website’s aims.


This interesting and original "Coming Soon" page is a kind of run-through before a well-designed website launch. It intrigues the public, and many people will probably leave their email addresses to see the ready-made website design.

Revelation Concept

The "Coming Soon" page of this web design and development company looks like a true infographic. I’d even say that it’s quite conceptual. It’ll be a pleasure to work with the person who had created such an attractive design.

Design & Layout

I had stumbled upon an awful example of a "Coming Soon" page for a web design blog and while I won’t divulge its name or show screenshots of it, I’d like to explain why I think the designs were flawed. For starters, the colours of the page background and the text were too close for comfort: it’s almost impossible to read anything there. It also has three social media icons (which is good, more on that later) which are not evenly spaced. It looks like there should be another icon between the second and third icon. Another blunder I noticed is a Twitter bird with a speech bubble sitting at the bottom of the page: there are no signs or hints to explain what it’s placed there for.
With all these in place, I wonder how many subscribers will this web design blog get?

3 Points to Ponder

To be fair, it could be that such designs were created by web developers without engaging designers or test runs with the general public. They have analytical minds and don’t pay enough attention to the product’s look in general such as in the areas of:
  1. Colors. If it’s hard for you to decide which combination of colors looks good enough, use tools to test color combinations (there are lots of free tools for this on the Web). Use the same colors when creating the "Coming Soon" page and the entire website.
  2. Call-to-action. It is a must-have but don’t ask people to do several things at once. Keep it simple, dropping their email address, or the option to Subscribe via a simple subscription form is enough. Keep the form in plain view.
  3. Social media icons. Modern businesses must be social. People expect to find you on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Moreover, if your "Coming Soon" page is good enough, people will help you advertise it by sharing the page via their social media networks.

Engage customers

I understand that it’s not easy, but if you can use some works or ideas of your future site visitors that would be great! For example, when creating a landing page for my photo blog I asked several photographers to allow me to use their work in the page design. About 30% of photographers are against the idea, a third didn’t reply at all, but the rest were glad to part with their work for the good of the site. Now I’m very thankful to them and I’m sure that without their photos it would have been impossible to create such a nice landing page.


The seven photos you see scattered over the table were provided by their copyright owner and you can zoom in and view each of them in detail. On the list, you see the site’s wish: to get 1000 subscribers and launch PhotoDoto (this is a Coming Soon page), letting you know that if you want to subscribe to the site, fill up the subscription form.

Ask-e Soluzio Infor

This design looks like a web page mockup. It’s a simple concept with impressive results. Moreover, they do not just ask you to subscribe for updates, but also to send an email with questions and suggestions. That’s a whole different thing, which makes it look more legit.


This "Coming Soon" page announces an opening of India’s "first online shop", but no mention of what they are selling. There is a counter which displays how much time remains before the site goes live. This page also has an interesting slider at the bottom where social media icons are displayed by default. You can also find a subscription form with the left or right arrow buttons.


This bright and funny design clearly explains which goodies will be presented on this site after its lunch, er, launch. The ability to pull off a good pun is an attractive crowd puller.


Look at the bundle of social media icons at the corner right. The company is easy to find on the web and that’s a big plus. This is a kind of trust-mark which online stores usually have, and need.


Check out the cute social and contact stickers. The rusted screws on the name plate gives a classic, homely, comfortable feeling, as if to say that the web designer is open for communication and he’s ready to talk any time.


BetterBlogger creates a sense of intrigue. Thanks to the blog’s title and screenshot it’s quite understandable what it will be about.

Aim at Emotions

Do you think that people are run by logic? No, no, no! Decisions we make more or less depend on our emotions. Very few people will leave their email addresses on some miracle website (which yet doesn’t exist and probably can never be launched) if they don’t have strong motivation to trust you and wait for your website to launch. If you’ll be able to make people talk about you, that will be a great success. You know, curiosity killed the cat, but by nature people are much more curious than cats.

Blue Bird app

Are you intrigued with this "Coming Soon" page? It’s unknown which app launch it is announcing, but the broken blue egg signifies the start of a new beginning that you could be a part of.

Blogger Jet

This "Coming Soon" page is perhaps the simplest one I’ve ever seen: plain text and the sign-up form on a white background. But I bet that thanks to this text the blog owner will get a fair share of subscribers.


Which will you choose? Should life be so complicated? Showing a woman looking dazed in the subway (which signifies life’s mundane routines) allows visitors to connect with the woman.

Dead Celeb Jokes

Almost everybody likes comics. It’s funny and turns you into a child again for just that moment. This hand drawn "Coming Soon" page proves that a creative approach is the best option to win the audience.

Be generous

If you have something to share with people, do it! People like freebies and different exclusive things. It’s up to you to choose which goods or services to share in exchange for an email subscription: an e-book, a pack of freebies, access to premium data bases etc. It would be good if you thought a little bit about what your potential customers and readers really do need. Give them what they want.


This eye-catchy "Coming Soon" page allows you to create a Gimmr Avatar in three easy steps and download it. People like such funny photo manipulations, so it’s a good start.


Look at that mashup: a resonating lollipop featuring a logo, a link to the twitter account and a sign up form. Every visitor who subscribes gets an opportunity to take part in beta testing of the app. The only trouble of this attractive page is the fact that the app has not been launched yet. But apart from that, Sweet!


This "Coming Soon" page also offers you to get an exclusive beta version of the app. The design is very creative and dynamic. Perhaps many people would be glad to have a fur cup like this one.


Send us your poetry, short stories, essays, photos, fine arts, etc. for future publications and we’ll let you know when we go live.

The Pink Penguin

Want to have a free iGoogle theme? It will be here soon. Just sign up for it first.

How About Testing?

I’d recommend you to apply A/B testing as it can be hard to decide which versions would relate better to visitors. Sometimes small differences can make all the difference. And at least you can edit the main website design before it goes live. This option is more traditional for landing pages which are aimed at sales actually ut since it’s all about web design you can try to improve your "Coming Soon" page’s efficiency by applying A/B testing.


From the start this web design blog launched two "Coming Soon" pages for different browsers, one with blue and another with brown backgrounds. Now I can find only the blue one (luckily I had time to PrintScreen both items), so I guess the A/B testing was finished successfully.

Wrap Up

Well, that was a long post, wasn’t it? That’s just it with web design. There are a lot of things that you have to take into consideration and all these things really matter. I hoped you had a great time checking out the examples though. Hopefully you will be able to take something away from this and give your own "Coming Soon" page a strong viral effect. Best of luck!

Nikon Coolpix S800c runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread

Nikon Coolpix S800c runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread



Normally, when we talk about an Android-powered system, we would venture into the realm of smartphones and tablets, and very rarely (if ever) into the world of digital cameras. The line is about to be blurred this day, as the Nikon Coolpix S800c was just announced to come with a copy of the Android operating system – Android 2.3 Gingerbread, to be exact. Yes sir, how does this digital camera shape up in the face of a mobile operating system running in the background? Well, we shall have to take a closer look at its machinations and inner workings right after the jump, shall we not?
For starters, with Android running on the Nikon Coolpix S800c, you might actually feel that you are using a smartphone at times – until you realize that you are unable to make any phone calls or receive text messages. Good thing it has Wi-Fi connectivity built in though, as it would not be much of an Android device if there were not Internet connectivity to make it interactive. Setting up the camera for Internet connection using operations which are similar to those used by Android smartphones is possible, not to mention easy. You are also able to post whatever you have snapped and recorded onto social networking sites like Google+, Facebook, and Twitter in a jiffy, but make sure you are within the vicinity of a Wi-Fi network, otherwise it would all amount to nought.
Not only that, the Nikon Coolpix S800c has a new feature known as “Upload to Smart Device”, where this app can be used to transfer high-resolution photos and movies to smart devices which are powered by the Android or iOS operating system, again, over a wireless connection. As for the performance of the Nikon Coolpix S800c, what kind of camera specifications does it pack?
We do know it will come equipped with a 10x optical zoom NIKKOR lens, in addition to a built-in lens-shift vibration reduction (VR) function. There is also a backside illumination CMOS sensor that boasts of an effective pixel count of 16-megapixels so that you can shoot images with little noise at the high sensitivities – perfect for low light conditions or night landscapes.
You are also able to record 1920 x 1080p/30-fps full-HD movies with stereo sound, and the included high-performance GPS module is able to record your current position (latitude and longitude) information, applying them to photos and movies as they are recorded.

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Award Winning Teeth Whitener

Award Winning Teeth Whitener

Some things in life are permanent, and certain opportunities do pass you by but once. Take your teeth for instance, once you lose the set of adult teeth through poor oral hygiene or in an accident, it is gone forever – you might be able to get expensive dental implants or dentures, but it will still not be the original set which you were born with, fashioned through the DNA in your body. Hence, it makes perfect sense to take extra good care of your pearly whites, and the $274.95 Award Winning Teeth Whitener would certainly come in handy, where it is touted to deliver longer lasting results compared to other kinds of at-home treatment in addition to whitening your teeth faster without having to rely on those teeth whitening chemicals found in your toothpaste.
A dentists, naturally, is the one behind the Award Winning Teeth Whitener, where you will wear the mouthpiece which emits LED light and heat directly to teeth coated with the included hydrogen peroxide gel, helping whiten your teeth by five shades in just five days, talk about quick results, huh? This enclosed treatment system will prevent whitening oxygen from escaping the teeth, so that maximum exposure is achieved for your teeth to remain white for up to 30 days. Of course, it does help if you avoid coffee and tobacco while making other adjustments to your lifestyle to maintain a set of white teeth.

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How to Recover Lost Contacts from iPhone 3GS without iTunes Backup ?

How to Recover Lost Contacts from iPhone 3GS without iTunes Backup ?

The most convenient and practical iPhone 3GS data recovery tool you ever have! Wondershare Dr.Fone (iPhone 3GS) can be your one-stop iPhone 3GS data recovery tool which is capable of recover contacts, SMS, call logs, photos and more directly from iPhone 3GS, as well as recover data from iTunes backup file with ease!

Below are the detailed steps of how to recover contacts directly from your Apple iPhone 3GS.

Step 1. Connect your iPhone 3GS to the PC

Connect your iPhone 3GS to the PC with a digital cable and run Dr.Fone(iPhone 3GS), then you’ll get the interface below.

Step 2. Enter the DFU mode and scan your iPhone 3GS

Follow steps below to enter the DFU mode and scan your iPhone 3GS for lost contacts.

Step 1: Hold your iPhone 3GS and click “Start” button.
Step 2: Hold “Power” and “Home” buttons on your iPhone 3GS at the same time for exact 10 seconds. Dr.Fone(iPhone 3GS) will count time for you.
Step 3: When 10 seconds passed, release the “Power” button right away, but keep holding the “Home” button. After another 10 seconds, you’ll be informed that you’ve successfully entered the DFU mode and you can release the “Home” button now.

Then Dr.Fone(iPhone 3GS) begins scanning your iPhone automatically for lost data, and you’ll get the interface as follow.

Step 3. Preview and selectively recover contacts

When the scan finished, all found data are displayed in categories. If you want to recover contacts, mark the "Contacts(*)" and click "Recover" to save them on your computer with one click.

If you only want to recover deleted contacts, you can refine the scan result by sliding the button in the red area on the interface above, only displaying the deleted contacts. Mark them and press "Recover" button to get them back.

LG Optimus G leaked as quad-core 4G LTE powerhouse

LG Optimus G leaked as quad-core 4G LTE powerhouse

Rumor has it that LG is preparing their next-gen smartphone for the world of Android. The device is being called the LG Optimus G for now, and so far the specs sound rather impressive and their best yet. Based on reports from AsiaToday this phone will rock LG’s current lineup with a quad-core processor and multiple other tricks up its sleeve.

According to reports this Optimus G will not just sport 4G LTE, but will be a powerful quad-core device that also supports VoLTE (Voice-over 4G LTE), packed with 2GB of RAM, a quality 13 megapixel camera, and of course LG’s 4.7-inch True IPS display technology. Sounds pretty nice right?
Other specs include Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich (we’d prefer Jelly Bean) and LG’s latest Optimus UI v3.0 that was recently released. Details on the processor are pretty thin, and all we know is the SoC will be a quad-core processor capable of VoLTE services. That sort of rules out NVIDIA considering their just barely integrating regular 4G LTE with their Tegra 3.
Most likely this new and impressive sounding beast of a smartphone from LG will have Qualcomm’s brand new S4 Pro quad-core processor we saw last month, but nothing has been confirmed. Take the power of the dual-core S4 in the Galaxy S III and double it — yes please! IFA 2012 is coming up later this month in Berlin, Germany, and LG could make an announcement during that event so we’ll be sure and stay tuned for more details. Could this be the rumored LG Eclipse 4G LTE quad-core headed to AT&T later this year? Check that out and more quad-core news below.

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Google Nexus rumors suggest phones from Samsung, LG, and Sony this year

Google Nexus rumors suggest phones from Samsung, LG, and Sony this year

The time for those Nexus device rumors to start heating up is now. Earlier today we saw a leaked spec sheetclaiming Samsung was preparing another Galaxy Nexus-like device, possible the Galaxy Nexus II, and now we have an entirely new spin to the rumor. Do you think we’ll see multiple “Nexus” phones this year? Read on to find out.

Back in May the WSJ suggested Google could be offering as many as 5 Nexus devices this year from multiple hardware partners. We already have the Nexus 7 from ASUS, and new reports are now suggesting more this fall from Samsung, LG, and even the folks at Sony. A new report from AndroidNoodles claims NTT DoCoMo has three different Nexus branded devices all on their roadmap for this winter.
If the Wall Street Journal statement that Google opened the Nexus program to five different OEM’s was accurate, then this new report could confirm just that. For now all we have is a roadmap devised of simple text that could easily be faked, but the Wall Street Journal isn’t exactly known for outlandish rumors. First we’ll start with the Samsung Galaxy Nexus II as that makes perfect sense and lines up with the leak earlier today. Next they list a Sony Xperia Nexus, followed by an LG Optimus Nexus.
That’s it folks. That is the rumor in a nutshell because we have zero other details. For now we are going to seriously consider this nothing more than a rumor until we see or hear some solid concrete evidence, which we have a feeling is long way away. Personally I’d rather see another HTC Nexus device (loved my Nexus One) or even something from Motorola before LG and Sony get a shot. The original report was 5 OEM’s so Motorola could round out the five and we could be hearing more on that front soon.
If five certified “Nexus” devices all arrive this winter and are available on the Play Store for purchase things could really get interesting. Thoughts?

HTC ThunderBolt Ice Cream Sandwich build leaks

HTC ThunderBolt Ice Cream Sandwich build leaks

We have great news this evening for all those fans still rocking the HTC ThunderBolt. Yup, Ice Cream Sandwichis finally here thanks to an official build that was apparently leaked. The actual update to Android 4.0.3 was leaked and a few awesome developers have made it into an easy to flash ROM for those interested.

Thanks to team BAMF you can enjoy the sweet and tasty treat before it melts waiting for Verizon to send it out. Ice Cream Sandwich ThunderBolt style is here right now. The folks from Droid-Life got word that this was finally available and we figured you’d all like to finally take a look at ICS.

So far everything looks pretty standard here and in line with other HTC devices that have received Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich in the recent past. You’ve been bumped to HTC Sense UI 3.6 but sadly no 4.0 like the One series. Also team BAMF was nice enough to remove all that HTC spyware and get rid of some of the bloat.
For now the HTC ThunderBolt crowd is still waiting for an official update from HTC and Verizon although it should be coming soon. Earlier this month HTC confirmed the update was still on track for “August” so we have a little more than a week at most of waiting — and hopefully nothing more. It’s worth noting this build is not rooted, so you’ll have to take those usual steps should you want root. Feel free to wait it out or give this a try from the link below.

Nikon Coolpix S800c Android smart camera gets official for $349

Nikon Coolpix S800c Android smart camera gets official for $349

It’s official: Today the folks over at Nikon have beat Samsung and many others to the punch by announcing their all new Android powered smart camera known as the Coolpix S800c. This 16 megapixel shooter surely will beat anything else in your pocket running Android, oh and did we mention it’s a Nikon?

We pretty much knew this was coming after countless leaks over the past few weeks all but confirmed the smart camera. Then late last week we got our first actual photos of the phone which match what Nikon has posted up on their site. At first glance this is just a regular point and shoot camera, but on the back is a 3.5-inch touchscreen powered by Android 2.3 Gingerbread.
It rocks GPS so you can Geo-tag and upload all those photos to the ever popular Instagram or Twitter, and of course has WiFi so you can access and transfer images to your smartphone or tablet. The big question after all the rumors was the Google Play Store, and Nikon has confirmed full support to all the Android apps. Sadly that means that yes you can play Angry Birds on your Nikon camera — but that also means there’s some serious potential for app developers.
The new Android-powered Nikon Coolpix S800c has 10x wide optical zoom and 1080p video capture. Other than the camera details we don’t fully know what’s “under the hood” as we call it in the smartphone world. Yes they confirmed full Play Store support but other than the 4GB of internal storage what will be powering these apps. Can we actually really play Angry Birds if we’d like? Those questions remain unanswered for now. For those interested in an Android smart camera the Coolpix S800c will be available in black or white for $349 starting next month. Who’s buying?
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Play Store update finally adds gift card options – redeem them now [Download]

Play Store update finally adds gift card options – redeem them now [Download]

After getting a few tips that Google had finally pushed full support for gift cards to the Play Store this evening we gave it a try and sure enough the options are finally live. For those that were able to pick up a gift card to the Google Play Store last week at Target or other locations the “Redeem” option is available starting today.

Last week Google updated the Play Store and hidden underneath the pretty icons and design was full support for gift cards — something that has been seriously missing on Android for far too long. Then late last week they finally started appearing at retailers nationwide. This morning Google officially rolled them out, and confirmed $10, $15, $25, and $50 options available.
As you can see from my own screenshot above they’ve pushed full support to the store. I’m showing the redeem option on multiple phones as we speak. This is happening with no tweaking or hacking like reported last week, and just works. Most likely Google just had these options hidden and now it’s being pushed out in stages.
If you don’t have the “redeem” options quite yet but are running the latest Play Store version 3.8.16 (or .17) it should be arriving shortly. Just like changes to the Store in the past it is all server side and Google is probably rolling this out in stages. If you want to give it a try feel free to run down to the nearest Target tomorrow and buy a few gift cards, then enjoy some purchases on the Play Store. If you aren’t on the latest Play Store thanks toOMGDroid you can download it now from the link below.

Handmade Wood Charging Dock Speaker

Handmade Wood Charging Dock Speaker

Need a one-of-a-kind way to dock your iPhone and enjoy your favorite at home? Take a look at the handmade wood iPhone charging dock speaker, maybe it can meet your requirements.
Handmade Wood Charging Dock Speaker

This is a wooden docking station that measures 27 x 15 x 11cm, weights 1382g, and handmade by Mario. As we can see from the images, the docking station features a unique wood construction that shows you a nice synergy of natures and technology, and comes with a stereo speaker system in order to produce clear and loud sound for your favorite songs, of course, the custom designed cradle allows you to dock your iPhone or iPod on the dock speaker, and using integrated USB cable, you can also sync or charge your iOS device. Apart from that, an extra 3.5mm audio input lets you connect the dock speaker with any music player with 3.5mm audio jack.
Handmade Wood Charging Dock Speaker Handmade Wood Charging Dock Speaker
The handmade wood charging dock speaker is priced at $250 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Etsy for more details.
Handmade Wood Charging Dock Speaker Handmade Wood Charging Dock Speaker

Element Case Wood iPhone 4 Case

Element Case Wood iPhone 4 Case

Element Case’s Wood series contains two parts including its wood iPad 3 case and iPhone 4 case. If you like the combination of nature and technology, let’s go on checking.
Element Case Wood iPhone 4 Case

This is a two-piece, form-fitting protective case designed for iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. As we can see from the images, the iPhone 4S case features ultra slim and natural design, and consists of a high impact polycarbonate shell and a laminated wood veneer in order to protect your iPhone 4 or 4S from bumps and scratches in a stylish way, moreover, the accompanying wood front plate effectively protect the precious Retina display. Apart from that, all buttons and functions of your iPhone 4 are accessible via custom cutouts.
Element Case Wood iPhone 4 Case
Element Case Wood iPhone 4 Case
The wood iPhone 4 case is priced at $64.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Element Case for more details. Additionally, if you need other options, you might like to check Alloy X wood iPhone 4 case and more via “iPhone 4 case” tag.

Cowon X9 Portable Media Player

Cowon X9 Portable Media Player

Cowon recently released: X9, its latest portable media player. If you want to enjoy your favorite music and videos on the go, the gorgeous PMP may be able to catch your eyes.
Cowon X9 Portable Media Player

Cowon X9 is a well-designed portable media player that measures 4.72 x 1.77 x 5.51 inches and weights .63 pounds. As we can see from the images, the portable media player features sleek, minimalistic design with white coating, and comes with a 4.3-inch touchscreen display with 480 x 272 pixels resolution and 16 million colors in order that you can intuitively control the media player and comfortably enjoy you favorite videos. Moreover, the media player has 32GB internal storage, and an integrated microSD card slot for various digital contents. In addition to video and audio player, Cowon X9 also features FM tuner, voice recorder, and text and photo viewer. Apart from that, the rechargeable battery offers you up to 110 hours of music playback or up to 13 hours of video playback. After the break, check out the unboxing video from .

Sony Xperia SL Android Phone

Sony Xperia SL Android Phone

Sony recently has announced a new Android phoneXperia SL. If you’re curious about the 4.3-inchAndroid phone with 12-megapixel rear camera, let’s go on checking.
Sony Xperia SL Android Phone

Sony Xperia SL is a 4.3-inch Android smartphone that measures 5.0 x 2.5 x 0.4 inches and weights 5.1 ounces. The smartphone runs on Google Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich mobile operating system, and comes with a 1.7GHz Qualcomm MSM8260 dual core processor, a 4.3-inch touchscreen TFT Reality Display with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution and 16 million colors, and a 12.1-megapixel rear camera with auto focus, 16x digital zoom and pulsed LED flash. Apart from that, its rechargeable battery offers you up to 8 hours 30 minutes of talk time or up to 420 hours of talk time.
Sony Xperia SL Android Phone
Sony Xperia SL Android Phone
Sony Xperia SL Android Phone
Sony Xperia SL Android phone is available in 4 colors including black, white, gray and pink, but the detailed price and release date haven’t unveiled until now. If you’re interested, jump to Sony official site for more details.

Local Business Owners – Protect Your Domain Name!

Local Business Owners – Protect Your Domain Name!

Every local business should have a local business website, and with that website, they should have a unique domain name that represents their business. Its this domain name, or URL, that's typed into an Internet browser address bar and pulls up the website for the user, which means the user will associate the URL with your business, and vice versa.
Save your domain name A.S.A.P.
If you have a local business, even if its a small local business, it can look very unprofessional if your domain name doesn't reflect the name or your business. If you're new to your business and new to this subject, then first things first, go out to or and see if the domain name you want is available and purchase it. Even if you're not quite ready to go live with your website, at least you can rest assured that you own the domain name and no one else can use it. If you've chosen to hire an expert to design and optimize a website for you, then they will most likely offer this service and save the domain name for you.
Purchase all the extensions.
The preference for most businesses is to own the .com version of the domain name, and its also a good idea to purchase the .org and .net versions so others cant create domain names that are the same as yours with these other extensions. Domain names are relatively inexpensive (less than $10/year), so cost shouldnt be a factor, and its worth it. If the .com version of your name isnt available, then you can go with one of the other extensions that is available, or look for a different domain name altogether.
Purchase for more than a year or two.
This is IMPORTANT. The following story is a real life example as to why (and the inspiration for this post):
I made the mistake of letting my domain name expire without realizing it. It was brought to my attention when all of the sudden, I stopped receiving emails associated with the domain. When I went to check it out, it turned out that my automatic renewal didn't go through because the credit card had expired. I was informed that it would cost me $100 to recover the domain name because it had expired and was placed back into the registry. My only options were to wither pay the $100 fee to recover the domain name, or take a risk and wait out the 30 days when it would become available again on the Internet for the typical $10.00, at which time someone else could snatch it up and either use it or try to charge me whatever they wanted for it. Obviously, I paid the $100 fee and had my domain back and working again within 24 hours. But I learned my lesson: I will not purchase domain names on an annual basis!
Again, domain names are not that expensive, so purchase your domain name for at least 5 years, and be sure to have it on a list somewhere to check in on to make sure there are no issues with auto-renewal. Most companies will send you reminders prior to the expiration of domain names, but you don't want to risk it!
Also, if it does expire, there are several people out there watching for currently used domain names to expire so they can snatch them up and then try to sell them for $500 – $1000. They figure someone will be desperate enough to pay that kind of money, and its their prerogative to charge them for it.
Bottom line, you want a unique domain name, and you want to protect it so you don't risk losing it in the future. Your URL is the first impression many will have when interacting with your business, so you want to be able to choose what most reflects your business, and you want to hold on to it for as long as your local business exists!

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