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Saturday 11 August 2012

Chromium OS Blog] Accelerated CSS Filters Landed in Chromium

[Chromium OS Blog] Accelerated CSS Filters Landed in Chromium

CSS filters are a powerful, easy-to-use visual effects tool for web developers. Filters can manipulate the appearance of any HTML element and can be stacked together to create unique effects -- all with a single line of CSS. Chromium GPU accelerates these filters to make them super fast. CSS filters are new in Chromium 19.

The current set of supported filters in Chromium include many that are familiar to web developers with image processing experience, such as sepia, saturation, opacity, and blurs. If you’re a web designer looking to add dynamic visuals to your next page layout, a developer building a photo editing app, or a game developer looking for an easy way to add effects to your next title, CSS filters can help you get there easily.

img { -webkit-filter: sepia(100%) contrast(200%) blur(5px) }

GPU acceleration of these filters brings their performance to the point where they can be used for animating elements in conjunction with CSS animations powered by -webkit-transition or even HTML5 video tags.

To get a sense of how much you can do with CSS filters, check out this interactive abstract painting app.

For more info on CSS filters, including a full list of those available in Chromium and how to use them, check out the new CSS Filter tutorial on HTML5Rocks.


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