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Saturday 11 August 2012

AS400/TN5250 emulator app for chrome os?

AS400/TN5250 emulator app for chrome os?

I just bought a chromebox as a test unit for work and I am trying to see if anyone knows of a tn5250 emulator to connect to an as/400 system. I love the box so far and I think that even the mental giants I work with can navigate through this simple system. Our entire company system is an ibm as/400 though so if I can't find an app to connect to this then it does me no good. Any thoughts or ideas?

If it helps at all, I use Mochasoft's tn5250 emulator on my galaxy nexus but they don't support chrome os.

The only slight chance I have seen so far is a remote desktop connection in which I would still have to have a windows pc near the chromebox which does me no good : (

Any help is greatly appreciated


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