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Tuesday 14 August 2012

Word Smart

Word Smart

Top Five Features

There are many versions of Word Smart Vocabulary software targeted at different ages and aimed at being used for different outcomes and goals. These are:
Grade School Excellence
Middle School Excellence
High School Excellence
SAT & ACT Test Prep
Adult Learning Excellence
GRE & GMAT Test Prep
The High School Excellence edition has an aim of enabling the student to have a better chance of getting into the college of their choice, through enhancing the vocabulary and working to improve the SAT or ACT scores. Some adult students may like to also start with this edition, before moving on to some of the more advanced disks that are suitable for people all the way up to PhD level.
There are over 10,000 pronounced words and 2800 definitions in the software plus about 400 core words. This >is significantly less than some of the other vocabulary solutions out there, namely Ultimate Vocabulary which has over 150,000 words.
The flashcard exercise section is not as content rich as the multiple choice section, but is an excellent way to become familiar with new words and definitions.
The column matching exercise is a basic strategy for matching a core word to the corresponding synonym. The Sentence Completion and Spelling Bee sections are not only helpful, but inject some fun into the software. And the game-like Laser Review is an amusing Asteroids-style way of learning new definitions (fun for all ages!).

Ease Of Use

There are some great aspects of Word Smart. It is very easy to use and has an excellent, clean interface. It only takes an investment of a few hours on a weekly basis to see fast improvements in your vocabulary.

Help And Support

An extensive FAQ can be found on the official website. Patches and updates are also provided for customers, ensuring you always have the latest version. There is also a toll free phone number plus an email contact form for support.

Top Three Reasons To Choose Word Smart

  1. There are many learning strategies included in each software version including:
    • Flash cards
    • Word matching
    • Games
    • Sentence completion
    • Multiple choice quizzes
    • Audio pronunciations
  2. The software tracks the student's progress automatically and only once a section is sufficiently passed can the next section be attempted.
  3. The main home screen begins with letting you select from the 5 learning modes. You can also monitor your progress from here and view the talking word list. The first multiple choice mode is a simple learning method, yet highly effective. Audio discussion is included after the correct word is identified.


Unlike some of the other vocabulary programs, Word Smart requires you to purchase the right software for your age, or for your child's age. This can result in an increased expense (each edition is priced at a whopping $214.99) and as time goes on, if you choose to continue education. Rather than creating the software to scale to the person's age and skill level in one package, multiple packages will be needed. This is certainly one of the main downsides to Word Smart.

Word Smart is an award winning vocabulary program for good reason. It has an easy to use interface that is suitable for almost all ages, provided the correct package is purchased. This, as mentioned, could be the main downside to this otherwise excellent set of learning tools.


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