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Tuesday 14 August 2012

What’s next for WordPress for iOS

What’s next for WordPress for iOS

Version 2.7.2 of the WordPress for iOS app just becameavailable on the App Store. It fixes a number of lingering crashes and bugs. All in all 28 crash/bug reports were closed in this release:
  • Fixed crash when the password had a space, on comment moderation, plus 7 more.
  • Several bugfixes.
  • Use blavatars instead of favicons.
  • XML-RPC fix for self-hosted blogs. (Note: if you were unable to use 2.7.1, you should be able to use this version!)
Check out the Trac milestone for the complete list.

What’s next?

With the app being much more stable, it’s time to make up for lost ground. We have an agressive release schedule laid out for 2011, in which we’re hoping to add many of the things you’ve been asking about. We’re currently hard at work with WordPress for iOS 2.8 – the next major release of WordPress for iOS.
The most important to-do in the 2.8 road map is Localization. WordPress for iOS will now become much more accessible for many users. 2.8 will also introduce a Stats view (finally!), a Quick Photo button, as well as a few more nifty improvements.
We’ll never stop improving the app, wether it be fixing issues or enhancing functionality.


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