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Tuesday 14 August 2012

Galaxy Tab 10.1 WiFi finally getting Ice Cream Sandwich in the US

Galaxy Tab 10.1 WiFi finally getting Ice Cream Sandwich in the US

Good news from Samsung this afternoon folks. After the Galaxy Tab 10.1 WiFi tablet started getting upgraded to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich last month in multiple parts of the world, it looks like they are finally rolling it out here in the US. They didn’t get it out in July as promised, but we’ll take it.

Back in June Samsung promised Ice Cream Sandwich updates for the majority of the Galaxy Tab family, and while a few got it, most here in the US are still waiting. This weekend however, Samsung gave the update the okay and users in the US are now getting the frozen treat.
We’ve received word from several users here in the US that have received the update late last night and this afternoon, so it looks to be available in full. As usual you can accept an over the air update, or use Samsung’s Kies PC program to update manually with ease. Only takes but a minute or three.
Sadly, we doubt the Verizon 4G LTE Galaxy Tab LTE will receive the same fate as they are usually rather slow on getting updates compared to some. Hopefully Verizon and Samsung have been working together with this device, but we’ll update once we know. For those enjoying the Galaxy Tab 10.1 WiFi tablet feel free to update and enjoy that Ice Cream Sandwich. Let us know if you like the new Touch Wiz UX changes. Personally I’m not a fan.


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