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Tuesday 14 August 2012

Difficulty with understanding interaction between Classes

Difficulty with understanding interaction between Classes

When I was making a multi-class version to tic-tac-toe, I have ran into several errors, which most of them have to do with how I made them interact between the two classes.

The following classes I have made with the intention:


Code :

/** This class will handle all the aspects of updating the gamebaord
    after every turm
  @author John Peter McGrath
import Java.util.Arrays;
public class GameBoard{
//instance variables for game board
  private final int BOARD_LENGTH = 3;
  private final int LAST_TURN = BOARD_LENGTH * BOARD_LENGTH;
  private boolean gameOver = false;
  private int turns = 0;
  private int totalPlayers = players.length;
  private int playerNumber = turns % totalPlayers;
  // shortened versions of instance variables
  private final int bl = BOARD_LENGTH;
  // arrays
  private Player[] players = new Player[2];
  private char[][] game_board = new char[bl][bl];
  // this will be modified after each player's turn
  // the 2nd array is arranged by rows
  public char[][] claimedSpaces = new char [bl][bl];
// instance vaiables for player will be labeled as
// Player.instanceVariable
  public GameBoard(){
    // customize the players tokens, but leave the last two
    // parameters false to keep the game fair
    players[0] = Player('X', false, false);
    players[1] = Player('O', false, false);
    private boolean stalemate = (turns >= LAST_TURN);
    while (gameOver != true && !stalemate){
      gameOver = checkWin(players, gameOver);
      playerNumber = turns % totalPlayers;
      // debug
      turns ++;
    showOutcome(gameOver, stalemate, players);
// the instance methods for gameboard
  /** The player will take its turn
      @param player - the current player taking a turn  
  public void playerTurn(Player player){
    player.playersTurn = true;
  /** Check to see if any player won the game yet
  @return true if any player won the game
    false if no player won and continue game
   public boolean checkWin(Player[] totalPlayers, boolean endGame){
     for (int i = 0; i < totalPlayers; i++){
       if (totalPlayers[i].playerWins == true)
         endGame = true;
       return endGame;
  /** The game will reveal either the winner of the game or
     declare stalemate when no player wins by last turn
  @param gameEnded - has the game ended?
  @param noWinner - if there are no winners, declare stalemate
  @param winner - which player has won the game
     (if and only if game ended without stalemate)
  public void showOutcome(boolean gameEnded,boolean noWinner,
              Player[] winner){
  // precondition
    if (noWinner == true)
      for (int w = 0; w < winner.length; w++){
        if (winner[w].playerWins == true){
          System.out.println("Player " + winner[w]
              + " is the winner!");
  // now the printing methods
  public void printGameBoard(char[][] game){
    for (int r = 0; r < game.length; r++){
      for (int c = 0; c < game[i].length; c++){
        System.out.print(game[r][c] + " ");
      // debug
  // retrieving data
  public int getBoardLength()
    {return BOARD_LENGTH;}


Code :

/** This class will handle all the aspects of the player's turn
  which includes placing the token and checking to see if that
  space on the gameboard is unclaimed
  @author John Peter McGrath
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Player{
  private char playerToken;
  private boolean playerWins;
  // this must be modified by the game board
  public boolean playersTurn;
  // sevaral varibales used from game board
  private int bl = GameBoard.getBoardLength();
  private final int winningLines = 2 * bl + 2;
  private char[][] claimedSpaces = new char[bl][bl];
  private char[][] possibleWins = new char[winningLines][bl]
  public Player(char token, boolean playersTurn, boolean playerWins){
    this.token = token;
    this.playersTurn = playersTurn;
    this.playerWins = playerWins;
  // instance methods
  /** Player takes turn by placing a token on an unclaimed space
  public void placeMove(){
    int endValue = bl - 1;
    private Scanner move = new Scanner(;
    while (playersTurn == true){
      System.out.print("Please choose row number from 0 to "
      + endValue + ":" ); row = in.nextInt();
      System.out.print("Please choose column number from 0 to "
      + endValue + ":" ); col = in.nextInt();
      checkMove(GameBoard.claimedSpaces, row, col);
  /** Check if the player made a valid move on the board
    @param spaceClaimed - player can only occupy
           unclaimed spaces
    @param row - the row position of the space
    @param col - the column position of the space
  public void checkMove(boolean[][] spaceClaimed,
              char[][] playersClaim,
              int row, int col){
    if (spaceClaimed[row][col] == true)
        {System.out.println("Sorry, this space has been claimed"
        + " please choose an empty space.");
        playersClaim[row][col] = token;
        spaceClaimed[row][col] = true;
        unpdatePossibleWins(possibleWins, playersClaim);
        playerWins = didWinGame(possibleWins)
        playersTurn = false;
  /** Check if the player won the game by claiming the whole line
    @param winningLine - check each line to ensure that
      the player really has claimed the whole line
    @return true if the player did claim at least one line
            false otherwise
  public boolean didPlayerWin(char[][] winningLine){
    boolean didWinGame = false;
    int spacesPerLine = bl;
    for (int i = 0; i < winningLine.length; i++){
      int countTokens = 0;
      for (int j = 0; i < winningLine[i].length; j++){
        if (winningLine[i][j] == token)
          countTokens ++;
      if (countTokens == spacesPerLine)
        didWinGame = true;
    return didWinGame
  /** Create an array based on the winning lines (n is board length)
    there are 2n + 2 ways to win the game since there are
    n rows,
    n columns,
    and 2 diagonal lines based on board length  
    @param winningLines - scan all the winning lines to
                find any of the player's tokens
    @param occSpaces - use the n*n board to detect player's tokens
  public char[][] updatePoosibleWins(char[][] winningLines,
          char[][] occSpaces){
    // the following vairbales only concern index position
    int rowRange = bl;
    int colRange = rowRange*2;
    int diagonalRange = colRange + 2;
    // scan the entire combination of winning lines
    // by scanning it in one dimension
    // first scan n columns
    for (int i = 0; i < rowRange; i++){
      for (int r = 0; r < occSpaces.length; r++){
        for (int c = 0; c < occSpaces[r]; c++){
          if (c == i )
            winningLines[r][c] = occSpaces[r][c];
      winningLines[i] = scanLine(winningLines[i], occSpaces; i);
    // next scan n rows
    for (int i = rowRange; i < colRange; i++){
      for(int r = 0; r < occSpaces.length; r++){
        for (int c = 0; c < occSpaces[r]; c++){
            winningLinesi[i][c] = occSpaces[r][c];
         winningLines[i] = scanLine(winningLines[i], occSpaces; i);
    // last scan the diagonal lines
    for (int i = colRange; i < diagonalRange; i++){
      for (int r = 0; r < occSpaces.length; r++){
        for (int c = 0; c < occSpaces[r]; c++){
          // scan the first daigonal from up-left to down-right
          // by making a boolean condition
          boolean firstDiagonal = i == colRange;
          if (firstDiagonal){
            if (c == r)
             {winningLines[i][c] = occSpaces[r][c];}
          // scan the second diagonal from up-right to down-ieft
          else if (c == bl - (r + 1)){
           winningLines[i][c] = occSpaces[r][c];
       winningLines[i] = scanLine(winningLines[i], occSpaces; i);
    return winningLines;
  /** This method will scan for player's claimed tokens
      for each possible winning line
  public char[] scanLines(char[] currentLine, char[][] tokenSpace,
                 int iterator){
    for (int i = 0; i < currentLine.length; i++)
      currentLine[i] = tokenSpace[i][iterator]
    return currentLine;
  /** Scan the diagonal lines:
    the first goes from top-left to bottom-right
    the second goes from top-right to bottom-left
  public char[] scanDiagonals(int iter, int row, int, col,
                char[][] occSpace, char[] currentLine,
    currentLine[iter] = scanLine(winningLines[iter], occSpace; iter);

Main Game (I did not want to put anything else besides creating the game object since the player objects are already created in GameBoard)

Code :

/**This Program will run the Tic-Tac-Toe Game
This game will consist of only players, no computers
the gameboard can be customized based on board length
   and the number og players by modifying source code
the game will be over if there are no more empty spaces
or that one of the players win the game
@author John Peter McGrath
public class TicTacToeV1_Main{
// Main Game
  public static void main(String[] args){
  GameBoard game = new GameBoard();

BTW, I do believe that some compilation errors may be the link to that problem

Code :

./ illegal start of expression
    private boolean stalemate = (turns >= LAST_TURN);
./ package Java.util does not exist
import Java.util.Arrays;
./ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Player
location: class GameBoard
  private Player[] players = new Player[2];
./ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Player
location: class GameBoard
  public void playerTurn(Player player){
./ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Player
location: class GameBoard
   public boolean checkWin(Player[] totalPlayers, boolean endGame){
./ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Player
location: class GameBoard
              Player[] winner){
./ illegal forward reference
  private int totalPlayers = players.length;
./ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Player
location: class GameBoard
  private Player[] players = new Player[2];
./ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method Player(char,boolean,boolean)
location: class GameBoard
    players[0] = Player('X', false, false);
./ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method Player(char,boolean,boolean)
location: class GameBoard
    players[1] = Player('O', false, false);
./ cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable Player
location: class GameBoard
./ cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable Arrays
location: class GameBoard
./ cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable i
location: class GameBoard
      for (int c = 0; c < game[i].length; c++){
./ cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable Arrays
location: class GameBoard


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