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Tuesday 14 August 2012

DROID 4 Ice Cream Sandwich update detailed by Verizon

DROID 4 Ice Cream Sandwich update detailed by Verizon

Last week, we told you that Verizon was gearing up to bring Ice Cream Sandwich to the Motorola DROID 4. That much was reiterated today, as Verizon let loose a change log full of updates and new features DROID 4 users can expect when the upgrade arrives. It seems it won’t be long now before DROID 4 users on Verizon get their hands on Ice Cream Sandwich.

At the moment, it appears that Verizon is rolling out the update to those who are participating in the soak test. Barring unforeseen circumstances during that test, this suggests that all DROID 4 users will be getting the update shortly. One of the biggest updates this Android 4.0.4 upgrade brings with it is global roaming – after the update hits, all DROID 4 devices will have global roaming capabilities, which will allow you to access Verizon’s network in 205 countries.
Also included in this update is support for Verizon remote diagnostics. With the permission of the user, this will allow Verizon customer support representatives to remotely view the device, for the purposes of “device training, application demonstrations and troubleshooting.” It should be a handy service to have at hand, as long as you can get comfortable with the idea of Verizon watching everything you do on your DROID 4 (we kid).
Of course, there are other, smaller updates aside from the two detailed above, so click the thumbnail below to see the full change log for DROID 4′s incoming update to Ice Cream Sandwich.. Again, we still don’t have an exact date for when Verizon is planning to roll this update out to all users, but it’s going to be soon. Keep an ear to Android Community for more details!


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