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Tuesday 14 August 2012

WebSite X5 Evolution 9

WebSite X5 Evolution 9

Top Five Features:

  1. Software Review Boffin established that with 1 licence users are able to install WebSite X5 Evolution 9 program on 2 separate computers to create all the websites a user will need and have the benefit free updates;
  2. WebSite X5 Evolution 9 has 1.500 professional and customizable templates + 6.000 exclusive royalty-free images;
  3. Advanced functions of WebSite X5 Evolution 9 include as established by Software Review Boffin include : E-commerce, members area, Blog, RSS Feed, multi-language websites, e-mail forms, image and video gallery, advert management , widgets;
  4. FTP engine with secure connection and multiconnection for publishing your website + 3 GB of web space for 12 months and your own domain name ;a great WebSite X5 Evolution 9 feature. Software Review Boffin likes these aspects of the software.
  5. WebSite X5 Evolution 9 includes automatic HTML5 code generation + page optimization functions (SEO).

Ease Of Use:

  1. The download and the installation of the WebSite X5 Evolution 9 Software Review Boffin found to be a simple and straightforward process. All of the steps are explained to the user during the installations.
  2. WebSite X5 Evolution 9 is extremely easy to use with a fully-visual and intuitive interface and users are able to check their r work as they progress from the previews- that are always available and updated in real time. WebSite X5 is very easy and intuitive. In fact it works just like a wizard, therefore the user doesn’t require the need to have programming or graphic skills whatsoever in order to create their very own website. No prior technological knowledge is required.
  3. The publication of the website is as easy as the creation of the website. It’s enough to use the internal FTP engine to publish online your website.

Help And Support:

Software Review Boffin found that Incomedia offers many support features for WebSite X5, including FAQs, emails, telephone contacts and most of all a Social Help Center (, where users can find extra contents and full support from Incomedia technical team and from the community of WebSite X5 users.
Software Review Boffin saw that the aim of this Social Help Center is to explain more about the software in order to use it effectively and to solve all users questions regarding using the software.


The top 3 reasons to get the WebSite X5 Software:

  1. WebSite X5 Evolution 9 is very easy to use because in just 5 steps this software allows you to create eye-catching and professional websites. Software Review Boffin can confirm this to be so.
  2. The comparison between quality and price is very good, (press more info button for pricing) users can create as many websites as they wish, with professional results and with a 12 months of web hosting space included.
  3. Users can take advantage of extra contents to improve their website.

The 3 most important features to look for when you download WebSite X5:

  1. WebSite X5 is now available in 18 different languages.
  2. If you don’t have any technical knowledge users can easily create their own website in just 5 guided and intuitive steps. For those of you that are experts you have lots of advanced features to customize your website.
  3. WebSite X5 generates HTML5 code + CSS 2.1/3, ensuring full compatibility with all Browsers and mobile devices, including iPhone® and iPad®.

  1. rtechinsane
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