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Tuesday 14 August 2012

Phenomenal Memory

Phenomenal Memory

Top Five Features

Phenomenal Memory makes some pretty large claims at its ability to enhance your memory skills. One of these is the ability to teach you how to memorize entire books - this might sound unbelievable to some, but once you really start to understand how memory improvement works, it does not seem so implausible. In fact, Phenomenal Memory guarantees book memorization as a result of taking its program.
Phenomenal Memory makes use of some of the latest research into memory improvement. It does not dwell on repetition, associations or other traditional methods that are now thought to be ineffective. Instead the product incorporates an extensive 60 lesson course that covers recalling virtually any type of information that's fed into the brain (including entire books).
You won't find any mnemonic methods that don't work in this course. Instead, breakthrough methods of learning are put into practice but this doesn't include CD's, seminars or anything that you'd find in the old fashioned courses. The aim is to literally exercise the brain into becoming better at memorizing absolutely anything. Practice makes perfect, and this couldn't be more apt when it comes to memory enhancement.
The system lets you work at your own pace, as do all the top memory improvement courses. You don't end up feeling rushed or pressured, which is important if your mind is to remain clear and focused on the task at hand.
One interesting aspect is the focus on nutrition. Many people don't realize that what you eat can drastically affect your brain's functioning. Defiency in any one of many vitamins or minerals can really impact your memory. The fact that Phenomenal Memory also touches on this important subject shows that they have done extensive research into the entire spectrum of memory, from the ground up.

Ease of Use

The lessons are practical and enjoyable and the instructors are there to make sure that you stay on track throughout the entire course. This all happens within the Online Student Area.

Help And Support

A money back guarantee is offered on the program in good faith.

Top Three Reasons To Choose Phenomenal Memory

  1. Students gain access to 60 lessons which are accessible on the developer's website. The guarantee is that after completing all the lessons, you will be able to memorize anything from names and numbers, up to entire books. The minimum number of lessons that can be taken each week is three, although the maximum number per day is only one. This ensures that students don't rush through the material and have time to absorb each step.
  2. The instructors are a critical part of this course, and you can rely on them to be there to watch that your progress remains steady the entire time. The Online Student Area provides easy access to this unique and dedicated resource.
  3. There are 5 parts, and each part contains between 8 and 16 lessons. This starts with 12 lessons of Basic Training, then moves on to First Database, then Foreign Languages. The 4th part is Books and Complicated Texts and finally, 8 lessons of Codes and Passwords.
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