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Tuesday 14 August 2012

Announcing Version 3.1: Sidebar, Panels, and Post Formats

Announcing Version 3.1: Sidebar, Panels, and Post Formats


Version 3.1 of WordPress for iOS: Panels & Sidebar
This is a big one! The WordPress for iOS dev team is excited to announce that version 3.1 is now available in the App Store. In this update you’ll find a redesign for both iPhone and iPad, along with loads of new features! Here’s what’s new:

Updated Interface

The app has an all-new look, including graphics, colors, and a new sliding panels interface! We’ll let the screenshots speak for themselves:
Click to view slideshow.

Sidebar Navigation

We’ve added a new way to get around in the app: the Sidebar. The Sidebar allows easy access to any other area of the app with just a swipe and a tap. We also added easy access to app settings and quick photo from the Sidebar as well. To reveal the sidebar, just tap the menu button or swipe the navigation bar from wherever you are in the app at the time.

iPad Panels

To take advantage of the larger screen, we’ve added an all-new Panels interface for the iPad which allows for viewing a lot of information on your blog all at once. Panels can be moved around and resized so that you can view your content however you’d like. You can also remove extra Panels that you don’t need anymore by dragging the entire Panel stack to the right.

Version 3.1 of WordPress for iOS: Updated InterfaceNew Features

In addition to the UI update we’ve added a ton of great new features, including:
  • Post Format SupportIn the post setting tab, you’ll now see an option for setting the post format for your posts. The app will check with your blog to get a list of post formats that your theme supports.
  • Reader and Quick Photo for iPad
    You’ve asked them and here they are! We took the great Quick Photo and Reader features that were already in the iPhone app and made them available for the iPad.
  • All-New StatsHungry for more stats? We’ve added a new stats view that contains all of the same data that you see in your or Jetpack stats.
  • New Post Preview for iPadWhen viewing a post on the iPad, you’ll now get a nice preview of the post including formatting and images.
  • Friend Finder
    Use the new Friend Finder in the Reader to connect up to Facebook or Twitter to find your friends that are blogging on
  • All-Around Landscape SupportNearly all areas of the app support landscape orientation now, including all of the tabs in the post editor.
  • Easy Site and Dashboard AccessA no brainer. We added buttons on the Sidebar to view your site as well as a Dashboard link so you can access your plugins, widgets, etc.
In addition to all of this great new stuff, we also made many reliability and performance improvements to the app.

Why Stop Here?

Development is continuing at a very rapid pace. We are already marching towards the next big release of the app. So far we are keen on adding a Visual Editor, a Notification Area and support for Featured Images. Want to help out? Check out and the WordPress for iOS dev blog to see how you can get involved!


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