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Tuesday 14 August 2012

Motorola laying off 20% of staff while refocusing efforts

Motorola laying off 20% of staff while refocusing efforts

The new Google-owned Motorola Mobility is getting ready to make some changes. Now that Google’s finally earned full control after purchasing Motorola, they are ready to dig in and get started in their efforts. Google and Motorola are set to lay off roughly 4000 employees, nearly 20% of the staff as they prepare to refocus their mobile game and get back to winning. More details below.

In a similar sounding move as HTC, Motorola is stating they’ll be focusing on less devices, while offering overall better experiences and top-tier products. Specifically less low-end budget phones. The 20% cut in their job force will be a big blow, and one third of those will be US based employees.
This won’t be the first time either, as Motorola’s recently cut down their highly paid presidents and execs list by 40%, so the arm swings both ways. This is all in an effort to help their bottom line, and let good ol Google do their thing. With the PHOTON Q 4G LTE being their first phone with an unlocked bootloader, things are slowly starting to come around in Moto town.
According to the NYT Motorola will also be pruning efforts in Asia and India, while bailing completely on some of their most “unprofitable” markets — although no specifics were given. While a third of the job cuts will be stateside, they’ve also said to be increasing R & D and spending at various research locations in Chicago, Sunnyvale, CA and Beijing, China. Things have been quiet on the Motorola front the past few months waiting for this acquisition to complete, but we have a feeling Google’s about to get started in a big way.


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