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Wednesday 15 August 2012

SwiftKey 3 updated with new themes, bug fixes, and Google Voice dictation

SwiftKey 3 updated with new themes, bug fixes, and Google Voice dictation

SwiftKey is back today to offer their first update since officially launching their new and improved SwiftKey 3keyboard for Android smartphones and tablets. SwiftKey 3 has just been updated to version 3.0.1 and brings with it tons of bug fixes, as well as two new languages, and two fun themes for summer. We have screenshots and all the details below.

SwiftKey 3 continues to be one of the best 3rd party keyboards for Android, and today they’ve improved it even more. They’ve finally replaced the voice actions with Google’s voice dictation, which should make just about everyone happy. Then for summer they’ve released two new color themes — although summer is almost over. Then they added two new languages. Adding both Malay and Urdu support, which brings the total to 44 languages.
SwiftKey 3.0.1 - Fuchsia Theme SwiftKey 3.0.1 - Sky ThemeAbove you can see both of the new themes from the creators of SwiftKey. They aren’t anything extreme and are rather simple and elegant. I don’t think I’ll be hanging out with the pink option, but I could see many of my lady friends enjoying it. Colors and languages aren’t the only thing here though. SwiftKey has continued to make their keyboard one of the best by updating with bug fixes, here’s what to expect from today:
Fixed the following issues:
Font size and indentation inconsistencies in preference menus;
Font size too large on the sharable Heatmap;
GTalk smiley button has gone in JellyBean
Handle the case where languagePacks.json somehow gets set to “readonly”
Punctuation does not always auto correct
Reports of performance lag on some devices for some users;
Swedish localization problems for key height settings;
Theme list wrong after upgrade 2.2 -> 3.0;
Twitter personalization does not handle OAuthException gracefully;
When composing, after an auto-completing punctuation character, selecting the prediction inserts it twice.
As usual they state they’ve improve performance, general usage, and stability, but it’s the other things that are important. Now that SwiftKey 3 will use Google’s own voice dictation you can expect more accurate results too. SwiftKey just keeps getting better and better with each update. Are you a SK fan, or a Swype user? Get the latest update right this minute at the Google Play Store.


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