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Wednesday 15 August 2012

Google now selling official Android Neon Lamps


Google now selling official Android Neon Lamps

We know all you die hard Android fans have some sort of memorabilia or Android collectibles, but what we have here is even better. An official Google Android Neon Lamp to go right next to that Budweiser light in your room. In case you didn’t know, Google offers all types of gear from pillows, t-shirts, coasters and more all covered in Android. More details available below.

Surely you’ve seen some of those Android beanies, or guys wearing Android shirts. Many of those come right from Google themselves at their very own Google Store. I’ve bought a few Google Frisbee’s, coasters, and coffee mugs — but i think I just found my next purchase. What better way to show your Android pride than with an actual neon light?

The folks from Droid-Life managed to find this gem hanging out on the Google Store, and we had to share it with our readers. We know many of you are as crazy as us. For just $36 dollars you can get your very own Android Neon Light as shown above. the listing doesn’t give any actual details but it appears to be a little more than a foot tall, and about 8-inches wide, but that is only a guess. Either way you’ll probably want one for your office desk.
Get out the Red Bull, download that Android SDK and enjoy building ROM’s right from AOSP while hanging out in Android powered light. Get your own Android Neon Lamp from the via below


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