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Monday 20 August 2012

Sony Reader PRS-T2 e-book reader

Sony Reader PRS-T2 e-book reader

Have you jumped aboard the e-book revolution? If you have answered in the affirmative, then you might want to check out the Sony Reader PRS-T2 e-book reader, which is the latest e-book reader device from the Japanese consumer electronics giant. Just what does the Sony Reader PRS-T2 offer right out of the box? Well, we are looking at additional features which allows it to manage content, delivering easy wireless access to public libraries as well as enhancing touch screen capability for a more immersive reading experience.
Basically, the Sony Reader PRS-T2 will not bog you down or cramp your traveling style, especially when it comes in a light and thin 6″ e-book reader form factor, sporting an enhanced, intuitive touch screen display that has been specially optimized for long-term reading while offering what Sony deems as “the most natural, immersive reading experience.” You will be able to select from white, red or matte black colors, where the new social features will be presented in a simplified and intuitively designed home screen.
As with all other e-book readers, one main area of concern would be the display quality – how does the Sony Reader PRS-T2 stack up? For starters, we are looking at a glare-free, E-Ink Pearl V220 touch screen display which has been specially enhanced for optimal long-term reading, sporting an intuitive touch, more paper-like page turns, in addition to improved continuous page turns and a smoother zoom in and out. Not only that, you get an improved default book layout so that it is easier to organize and look for your digital books.
A couple of English language and four translation dictionaries have been thrown into the mix as well, and with Wi-Fi connectivity turned off, Sony claims the Sony Reader PRS-T2 delivers up to two months of battery life. Storage space stands at 2GB, and all it takes is a single swipe of your finger to turn a page, while pinching your fingers will zoom in and out.
You can pick up the Sony Reader PRS-T2 for $129, while you can add on to that by picking up additional accessories such as a Cover and a Cover with light, where those will retail for approximately $35 and $50, respectively.


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