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Friday 17 August 2012

DynaFlo LIQUID-ARMOR nano technology screen protection available now

DynaFlo LIQUID-ARMOR nano technology screen protection available now

If you’re the type that likes to protect your investment when it comes to your smartphone or tablet we have something just for you. Surely many of you all use screen protectors, but I’m personally not a fan. There are tons of products out there, but DynaFlo has something that is completely invisible. This isn’t your regular screen protector film.

It’s called LIQUID-ARMOR and it is exactly that. It comes in a spray bottle and you simply rub their nano technology screen protector liquid on your phone for the ultimate armor. This has actually been available for a little while, but starting today is available nationwide at many retailers and online.
“This is the world’s first truly invisible non-film screen protector solution,” says Tony Huang, CEO of Dynaflo.
Using their patented nano-technology you simply spray a nano liquid on your device and rub it with the included microfiber cloth, and you’ll have invisible protection for 6 months. What’s even better is the bottle lasts for tons of uses. For $25 you get an entire bottle that will last for multiple devices, not a one-use case scenario here. Their nano-coating makes an invisible layer of ultimate protection that won’t mess with screen sensitivity, dull colors, or cause your smooth touchscreen surface to have that “orange peel” look that most films do.
DynaFlo works on smart phones, tablets, gaming consoles, cameras and more. Anything with glass can be easily protected. It protects your screen from scratches, repels water and dust, and is completely invisible. Sign me up now! Starting today you can get LIQUID-ARMOR in stores nationwide at Walmart, Target, Fry’s Electronics and more, as well as online. We’ll be giving it a try shortly so stay tuned for a detailed review.


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