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Monday 19 January 2015

Check out Ankit Pareek's new skill

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Ankit Pareek
Ankit Pareek has added these skills:
What Your Network is Saying
Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar shared an article
image for Build your Own...
Build your Own Kernel with Ubuntu
If you're using Ubuntu 12.04 or later already, you're all good to go. Otherwise, head to the Ubuntu website and download the latest version of the operating system. Once done, burn the ISO to a disc or use Unetbootin in order to create a...
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People You May Know
shradha bhardwaj
shradha bhardwaj
Web Component Developer at Caseware UK Limited
varun sehgal
varun sehgal
vimal kumar
vimal kumar
marketing at Pantech Solutions Pvt Ltd
sneha mathur
sneha mathur
Student at SRM University
New Connections
vinay gautam + Piyush Katiyar vinay gautam is now connected to Piyush Katiyar
Saurav Azad + kritika tibrewal Saurav Azad is now connected to kritika tibrewal
Keshav Mishra
Keshav Mishra has 2 new connections
Abhinav Bibhu laxmi narayan patel  
Ankit Pareek
Ankit Pareek has 6 new connections
sameer ahuja AJAY MEHTA Naitik Joshi Suraj Didwania kamal kumar Venkatesh Ramakrishnan  
Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar has 4 new connections
wilson massey Neeraj Singla RAHUL BHAWRE Sanwar Choudhary  
Jotish Suthar
Jotish Suthar has 6 new connections
Medlin Gracia Pushparaj Sruti Palepu Mohan Raj K VANITA NANDAKUMAR arunita hunjan Aman Raj  
Jotish Suthar
Jotish Suthar was endorsed by Mohan Raj K for Programming
Endorse Jotish Suthar
Sathish Kumar
Sathish Kumar was endorsed by Jose Rivera for Literature, English Teaching
Endorse Sathish Kumar
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