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Tuesday 11 September 2012

HTC confirms no ICS for HTC ThunderBolt this month

HTC confirms no ICS for HTC ThunderBolt this month

We have some bad but somewhat expected news for all you Bolt owners this afternoon. After HTC announced multiple times that they would indeed be updating multiple devices to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich during the month of August, Thunderbolt included, sadly that didn’t quite happen. The update won’t be arriving yet and HTC’s issued a statement.

The folks at Droid-Life noticed a comment over on HTC’s Facebook page confirming the details. Basically HTC has stated that “We’re aware we missed the deadline” and “we’re working with Verizon for ICS on the Thunderbolt.” Basically they didn’t share any new details other than yes, it’s not yet available.
HTC updated many of their older devices this past month (and last) to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, the HTC ThunderBolt is actually one of the last ones standing that haven’t received the latest and greatest from HTC and Google. Don’t worry though folks, it has leaked multiple times.

After taking a second look at their response pictured above it appears they might be making a poke at Verizon with that one. We all know Big Red is one of the slower carriers when it comes to Android updates (just look at the Galaxy Nexus) so maybe everything is ready to rock from HTC and we are just awaiting Verizon’s approval. Hopefully the official Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich arrives for the ThunderBolt. For now CM10 will do just fine.


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