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Wednesday 19 September 2012

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean user base grew 1,500% in two months

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean user base grew 1,500% in two months

by vinay gautam

Since it’s announcement two months ago, Jelly Bean has seen a spike in its users by a whopping 1,500%. Advertising network and research firm Chitika compiled millions and millions of mobile ad impressions from within its network and calculated that Jelly Bean’s market share was at 0.87% at the end of July. In one month’s time, it shot up to 1.47%.

While 1.47% isn’t anything to write home about, it’s clear that Jelly Bean‘s popularity is slowing taking off. Then again, it’s anyone guess as to what devices will receive Jelly Bean updates and when. While some users are complaining about not yet getting a Jelly Bean update for their device, there are still users who are waiting for anIce Cream Sandwich update. So while Jelly Bean may be popular, it’s ultimately up to the manufacturers to decide what devices receive Jelly Bean.
A majority of Android users are still on Android 2.3 Gingerbread (57% of Android users, in fact). Gingerbread released in late 2010, so it’s taken almost two years for the already-outdated mobile operating system to reach just over half of all Android users. How long will it take Jelly Bean?
Then again, Jelly Bean early adoption rates are a tad higher than Ice Cream Sandwich’s rates — it took Ice Cream Sandwich three months to reach 1.54% market share. So Jelly Bean is already off to a good start. However, we’ll have to wait and see what these numbers look like a few months from now, and whether or not manufacturers will jump on the Jelly Bean train in a timely 


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