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Thursday 30 August 2012

Samsung Galaxy Player 5.8 announced – and it’s massiv

Samsung Galaxy Player 5.8 announced – and it’s massive

Samsung is back today with their latest Galaxy Player announcement. This time around they’ve just unleashed details on their biggest media player yet, and I just feel like calling it a tablet. Samsung’s iPod-rivaling Galaxy Player just got an upgrade to a massive 5.8-inch display so lets take a look.

Hopefully this doesn’t have the bounce-back feature that Apple loves — just kidding. Honestly I love the design and it looks very similar to the popular Galaxy S III, yet has the front facing speakers that we loved on the Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet. This gigantic 5.8-inch media player is surely running Android and I want one already.
The Galaxy Player 5.8 consists of a qHD 540 x 960 (sadly no HD) display, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, Sammy’s TouchWiz UX interface changes, 16 or 32GB storage options along with the Samsung Music Hub, and a massive 2,500 mAh battery will keep it blasting music for days and days. No mention of the processor under the hood. Then as usual we have WiFi, GPS, and the entire device measures in at 165.8 x 85.9 x 10.8 mm and 221g.

Again, this is another case of hit every size market as humanly possible and see what sticks. They’ve got multiple players in the 3, 4, and now 5-inch size, as well as multiple 7, 7.7, 8.9, and 10-inch tablets. Things are getting a bit crazy in Samsung land but I’m personally really liking the idea of a larger than usual media player that is far more portable than a tablet.
No pricing or exact details were released from Samsung but we can expect the media player to go on sale starting in September. We’ll be seeing it at IFA this week so stay tuned if this huge device interests you.
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