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Friday 10 August 2012

Samsung DROID Charge updating rolling out soon

Samsung DROID Charge updating rolling out soon

Early last week Verizon started pushing an update out to their popular Samsung DROID Charge but quickly stopped and pulled the update. Today however it appears to have the green light again from Samsung and Verizon, because Verizon has just confirmed it’s on the way. Head down past the break for more details and support documents.

As usual Verizon has just updated their support page with full details and update information. The change log and update looks to be rather large, but seems to be the same as previous versions. For now we aren’t fully sure what the update will bring but Verizon is stating quite a bit.
Below is the update information that states UI tweaks, performance enhancements, call quality improvements and more but sadly they’ve also added more bloatware. Everything listed below was also listed on the update back in March so we’re assuming this is mainly a bug fix update. It also could be preparing the phone for a possible Ice Cream Sandwich update coming soon, but that doesn’t seem likely.
Has your Samsung DROID Charge seen an update? If not we can expect the update to arrive in the next 24-48 hours as they usually do after hitting Verizon’s support page. Charge owners, let us know when you get this and if you notice anything new.
Screen Shot 2012-08-10 at 3.49.54 PM charge-main-540x304


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