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Sunday 19 August 2012

Razer DeathStalker Ultimate comes with all-new Switchblade user interface

Razer DeathStalker Ultimate comes with all-new Switchblade user interface

I have mentioned many times in the past before, concerning gamers who are extremely particular with their gaming peripherals. For those who are looking for a decent gaming keyboard to help them frag their way to the top, then I am quite sure that you cannot go wrong with the Razer DeathStalker Ultimate, where it is touted to come with the all new Switchblade user interface.
The Switchblade user interface found on the Razer DeathStalker Ultimate is similar to the acclaimed, customizable LCD trackpad and LED keypad combo which was first introduced on the Razer Switchblade concept a couple of years ago. Apart from that, it can currently be found in production on the Razer Blade gaming laptop, in addition to the Star Wars: The Old Republic gaming keyboard, so this is not exactly new. Let us take a closer look at the Razer DeathStalker Ultimate gaming keyboard right after the jump.
This particular interface will be able to turn gaming keyboard functionality into a customizable control panel that is accompanied by 10 dynamic, adaptive tactile keys which you are able to bind commands, macros, skills and spells in order to experience an unparalleled in-game competitive advantage. Individual keys are able to display any image thanks to Razer’s Synapse 2.0 software, allowing you to enjoy what Razer deems to be the “smartest keyboard on the market”.
As for the LCD panel that is located right below the keys, it can play nice in a couple of modes – the first setting will show off critical in-game information, ranging from damage dealt and heals-per-second on the new Star Wars: The Old Republic Battle Logger application, or countdown timers that are able to keep track of in-game events with the Razer Gamer Timer application.
As for the second mode of the panel, it will be able to function as a highly sensitive, multi-touch trackpad with intuitive gestures built-in, delivering an alternative method of navigating games or PC desktops. The list of Razer apps include Trackpad, Numpad, Macro Recorder, Gaming Mode, Browser, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Clock, Screenshot, and Game Timer amongst others. It will retail for $79.99 a pop, while those living across the pond will have to pay €79.99.


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