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Tuesday 21 August 2012

CyanogenMod 10 boot animation revealed

CyanogenMod 10 boot animation revealed


Who is ready for Android 4.1 Jelly Bean CyanogenMod style? I’ve been rocking CM10 for a few weeks myself, and today the team at CyanogenMod has unveiled their brand new CM10 boot animation. This go around they’ve changed the tune and are all about simplicity. That and the 8-bit arcade music is just outright awesome.

So I’m sure a few are asking what the big deal about boot animations is, and there isn’t one really. Just like everything else in this awesome world of Android we can customize it — so we do. CyanogenMod has always had some of the best boot animations around and they’ve been showing off their next generation each time on YouTube, so here’s the latest:

So what do you guys think? Not quite as crazy as the last few. No more skateboards, no more CID, instead just a simple little logo. I actually dig it and will be tossing it on my own phone later today to give it a shot. Looks great on the Nexus 7 tablet though right? The simple design and 8-bit arcade style music is rather awesome if you ask me.
There are many quality ROM’s in the world of Android. Just yesterday we saw Jelly Bean builds arrive for AOKP and MIUI, but CyanogenMod is still one of the biggest around. This new boot animation mirrors their Android builds — and that is simplicity. Android 4.1 Jelly Bean for multiple devices have already hit beta so be sure and hit your favorite developer site to get the latest and greatest. Who likes the new animation?

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