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Saturday 28 July 2012



What is a Computer Virus ?

Computer Viruses come in many types and can cause various types of harm to your computer. Luckily, most viruses are easily treated and effective techniques for removing them are often designed as soon as the viruses are found. If you think your pc may be contaminated, take any necessary actions to obvious your program and prevent infecting other computers.

What to do when you detect a computer virus ?

The first and the foremost thing you need to do is to have an antivirus protection for this you need to have the best antivirus for windows. Install the software and scan your computer fully. It might be possible that the antivirus might not be able to delete the virus but it will show you the virus that are there on your system.
Next you need to search for the virus on the internet that were not deleted by your antivirus and find the feasible solution to delete that virus.

Special Tips to prevent from computer virus

  • If you think your computer got infected from the mail which you got then do inform other people in the e-mail address book too not to open the attachment in that mail
  • Web based email clients have virus scanners installed in them so that virus does not enters your system but still scan the attachment after downloads.
  • Just deleting the infected file which causes the problem is not enough. You should go with the antivirus downloads since many viruses can create duplicate files or corrupt the existing files.
  • Do not send any mail until you completely delete the viruses from your computer because there are  many viruses that automatically attach themselves to the mail that you are sending without your knowledge and will effect your friends computer
  • Do not blindly click on any of the link which you get on your mail some are just spam and could create troubles for you.


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