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Tuesday 31 July 2012

Creating the database

Creating the database

The first step in setting up MySQL for Joomla on a remote host is creating the
database. Here, I show you how the process works for the Go Daddy account
I use in “Installing Joomla on a Host Server,” earlier in this chapter. You
should be able to adapt the process easily for use with your own ISP.
To create the database in Go Daddy, follow these steps:
1. Direct your browser to, and log in to your account
by entering your username and password.
The My Account page opens.
2. Locate the Products pane, found roughly in the middle of the My
Account page. Click the Web Hosting icon. The row expands, showing
you the domains you own the rights to. Under the row marked Control
Center click the green Launch button.

Collecting database details
After your database is set up, you’re in the home stretch! You just need to get
some details on the database to give Joomla when you install it. Again, I use
the Go Daddy example in this section, but you can adapt the procedure for
use with your own ISP.
When your database is ready to use, click the pencil icon in the Action column
(refer to Figure 2-7). The Database Information page, shown in Figure 2-8,
Record this information from the Database Information page:
✓ Host name
✓ Database name
✓ User name
✓ Database password
Note in particular the host name; you have to give it to Joomla when you
You’ve set the stage. Now it’s time to install Joomla.

Sunday 29 July 2012

New Apps

Saturday 28 July 2012

Networking Basics

Networking Basics: What You Need To Know

When looking at networking basics, understanding the way a network operates is the first step to understanding routing and switching. The network operates by connecting computers and peripherals using two pieces of equipment; switches and routers. Switches and routers, essential networking basics, enable the devices that are connected to your network to communicate with each other, as well as with other networks.
Though they look quite similar, routers and switches perform very different functions in a network.

Networking Basics: Switches

  • Switches are used to connect multiple devices on the same network within a building or campus. For example, a switch can connect your computers, printers and servers, creating a network of shared resources. The switch, one aspect of your networking basics, would serve as a controller, allowing the various devices to share information and talk to each other. Through information sharing and resource allocation, switches save you money and increase productivity.

    There are two basic types of switches to choose from as part of your networking basics: managed and unmanaged.
    • An unmanaged switch works out of the box and does not allow you to make changes. Home-networking equipment typically offers unmanaged switches.
    • A managed switch allows you access to program it. This provides greater flexibility to your networking basics because the switch can be monitored and adjusted locally or remotely to give you control over network traffic, and who has access to your network.

Networking Basics: Routers

  • Routers, the second valuable component of your networking basics, are used to tie multiple networks together. For example, you would use a router to connect your networked computers to the Internet and thereby share an Internet connection among many users. The router will act as a dispatcher, choosing the best route for your information to travel so that you receive it quickly.

    Routers analyze the data being sent over a network, change how it is packaged, and send it to another network, or over a different type of network. They connect your business to the outside world, protect your information from security threats, and can even decide which computers get priority over others.

    Depending on your business and your networking plans, you can choose from routers that include different capabilities. These can include networking basics such as:
    • Firewall: Specialized software that examines incoming data and protects your business network against attacks
    • Virtual Private Network (VPN): A way to allow remote employees to safely access your network remotely
    • IP Phone network : Combine your company's computer and telephone network, using voice and conferencing technology, to simplify and unify your communications

Cloud Buzz

Cloud computing and virtualization are two of the major IT trends of this decade.  They are the reason this blog, and many others like it, was started. With that in mind, Zenoss released The 2010 Virtualization and Cloud Computing Survey results.  The survey was designed to collect information on the use of virtualization and cloud computing technologies among enterprise users.
Over 200 IT professionals were surveyed during the 2nd quarter of 2010. Highlights from the survey include:
  • 40.7% indicated that they preferred to deploy servers virtually, 29.3% indicated they used virtualization whenever possible
  • The leading virtualization technology used by respondents was VMware that was in use by 79.3% of survey respondents who were using virtualization
  • 43.3% of participants indicated flexibility as the reason for using virtualization while 33.3% indicated hardware savings as a reason for using the technology
  • The number one stated goal with regards to virtual infrastructure was Cost Savings (64.7%) followed by Deployment Control specifically controlling virtual sprawl
  • Security was the number one concern for cloud computing followed by management and monitoring.2010 cloud computing infographic resized 600


Mega technology trends are changing how people work today: the cloud, mobile, social, and big data, are all impacting how businesses engage with their customers, partners, and employees in order to better compete. Microsoft is thinking about all of these trends individually and as they relate to one another. In the case of cloud computing, we think of it as a key step toward helping our customers achieve better business agility, economics, and user experiences. We also know that for today’s CIOs and technology leaders, the cloud presents an opportunity to rethink the role IT plays in defining a business’ strategy. Because of its power to fundamentally change how businesses operate and compete, the cloud is a game changer for the enterprise .Microsoft believes the hybrid cloud is key to helping you cloud optimize your business. We are working with businesses to reimagine their IT with the most comprehensive cloud offerings of any vendor (spanning public and private cloud), decades of experience in the enterprise, and over 15 years of offering cloud services to consumers and businesses. Our massive global investment in cloud data centers, extensive ecosystem of partners and developers, and ability to provide the tools in the cloud that users love uniquely underscore the peace of mind Microsoft cloud services provide..

What cloud computing really means

What cloud computing really means

Cloud computing is all the rage. "It's become the phrase du jour," says Gartner senior analyst Ben Pring, echoing many of his peers. The problem is that (as with Web 2.0) everyone seems to have a different definition.
As a metaphor for the Internet, "the cloud" is a familiar cliché, but when combined with "computing," the meaning gets bigger and fuzzier. Some analysts and vendors define cloud computing narrowly as an updated version of utility computing: basically virtual servers available over the Internet. Others go very broad, arguing anything you consume outside the firewall is "in the cloud," including conventional outsourcing.
Cloud computing comes into focus only when you think about what IT always needs: a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. Cloud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT's existing capabilities.
 Utility computingThe idea is not new, but this form of cloud computing is getting new life from, Sun, IBM, and others who now offer storage and virtual servers that IT can access on demand. Early enterprise adopters mainly use utility computing for supplemental, non-mission-critical needs, but one day, they may replace parts of the datacenter. Other providers offer solutions that help IT create virtual datacenters from commodity servers, such as 3Tera's AppLogic and Cohesive Flexible Technologies' Elastic Server on Demand. Liquid Computing's LiquidQ offers similar capabilities, enabling IT to stitch together memory, I/O, storage, and computational capacity as a virtualized resource pool available over the network.

Wireless Computer Mouse ????

Wireless Computer Mouse ????

Where to buy a computer mouse? If you asked that question that means you are not very familar with all this madness of using and upgrading computers and peripherals very often. That is why maybe it is a good idea to buy your computer mouse from a friend who bought a new one and does not want to throw the old one into the garbage. In this way you can pay a cheap price for it without the trouble of going to the store or even ordering on the internet and paying for shipping, too. You will affors to change it soon, after you get some experience.


The laptop mouse is created in cute and crystal wireless mouse with USB connection and USB attached batteries. It is much compatible with Microsoft Office, XP, Windows 98 or 2000, Vista, Mac and Me. The wonderful sparkling wireless mouse is available in pink and white sophisticated colors. Superb designed wireless mouse is facilitated with exquisite business card case and matching pen. You can well accompany the magnificent Wireless Computer Mouse in just $39.99 only…

Bellco, just nine months ago was a brand-new startup with a new product the Ion Wireless Air Mouse Computer Glove. After months of promotions and the help of the distribution networks of Ergoguys & Ingram Micro along with the tech gadget reviews from Brain Westover of PC Magazine, Chance Daniels the Tech Enthusiast & Jason of Ergonomic info, Bellco continues to grow. Pete Bell Founder of Bellco Says, “A Big Thank You, to everyone who has been part of bringing the Ion wireless air mouse to the world market. “

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing and storage capacity [1] as a service [2] to a community of end-recipients. The name comes from the use of a cloud-shaped symbol[3] as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it contains in system diagrams[4]. Cloud computing entrusts services with a user's data, software and computation over a network.

There are three types of cloud computing:[5]
Using Software as a Service, users also rent application software and databases. The cloud providers manage the infrastructure and platforms on which the applications run.
End users access cloud-based applications through a web browser or a light-weight desktop or mobile app while thebusiness software and user's data are stored on servers at a remote location. Proponents claim that cloud computing allows enterprises to get their applications up and running faster, with improved manageability and less maintenance, and enables IT to more rapidly adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable business demand.[6][7]
Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale similar to a utility (like theelectricity grid) over a network (typically the Internet).[8] At the foundation of cloud computing is the broader concept ofconverged infrastructure and shared services.[9



What is a Computer Virus ?

Computer Viruses come in many types and can cause various types of harm to your computer. Luckily, most viruses are easily treated and effective techniques for removing them are often designed as soon as the viruses are found. If you think your pc may be contaminated, take any necessary actions to obvious your program and prevent infecting other computers.

What to do when you detect a computer virus ?

The first and the foremost thing you need to do is to have an antivirus protection for this you need to have the best antivirus for windows. Install the software and scan your computer fully. It might be possible that the antivirus might not be able to delete the virus but it will show you the virus that are there on your system.
Next you need to search for the virus on the internet that were not deleted by your antivirus and find the feasible solution to delete that virus.

Special Tips to prevent from computer virus

  • If you think your computer got infected from the mail which you got then do inform other people in the e-mail address book too not to open the attachment in that mail
  • Web based email clients have virus scanners installed in them so that virus does not enters your system but still scan the attachment after downloads.
  • Just deleting the infected file which causes the problem is not enough. You should go with the antivirus downloads since many viruses can create duplicate files or corrupt the existing files.
  • Do not send any mail until you completely delete the viruses from your computer because there are  many viruses that automatically attach themselves to the mail that you are sending without your knowledge and will effect your friends computer
  • Do not blindly click on any of the link which you get on your mail some are just spam and could create troubles for you.

Types of viruses :

Types of viruses :-

The different types of viruses are as follows-
1) Boot Sector Virus :- Boot sector viruses infect either the master boot record of the hard disk or the floppy drive. The boot record program responsible for the booting of operating system is replaced by the virus. The virus either copies the master boot program to another part of the hard disk or overwrites it. They infect a computer when it boots up or when it accesses the infected floppy disk in the floppy drive. i.e. Once a system is infected with a boot-sector virus, any non-write-protected disk accessed by this system will become infected.
Examples of boot- sector viruses are Michelangelo and Stoned.
2) File or Program Viruses :- Some files/programs, when executed, load the virus in the memory and perform predefined functions to infect the system. They infect program files with extensions like .EXE, .COM, .BIN, .DRV and .SYS .
Some common file viruses are Sunday, Cascade.
3) Multipartite Viruses :- A multipartite virus is a computer virus that infects multiple different target platforms, and remains recursively infective in each target. It attempts to attack both the boot sector and the executable, or programs, files at the same time. When the virus attaches to the boot sector, it will in turn affect the system’s files, and when the virus attaches to the files, it will in turn infect the boot sector.
This type of virus can re-infect a system over and over again if all parts of the virus are not eradicated.
Ghostball was the first multipartite virus, discovered by Fridrik Skulason in October 1989.
Other examples are Invader, Flip, etc.
4) Stealth Viruses :- These viruses are stealthy in nature means it uses various methods for hiding themselves to avoid detection. They sometimes remove themselves from the memory temporarily to avoid detection by antivirus. They are somewhat difficult to detect. When an antivirus program tries to detect the virus, the stealth virus feeds the antivirus program a clean image of the file or boot sector.
5) Polymorphic Viruses :- Polymorphic viruses have the ability to mutate implying that they change the viral code known as the signature each time they spread or infect. Thus an antivirus program which is scanning for specific virus codes unable to detect it’s presense.
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Different Types of Computer Viruses

Computer Virus is a malicious software program written intentionally to enter a computer without the user's permission or knowledge. It has the ability to replicate itself, thus continues to spread. Some viruses do little but replicate, while others can cause severe harm or adversely affect program and performance of the system. A virus should never be assumed harmless and left on a system. 

There are different types of computer viruses which can be classified according to their origin, techniques, types of files they infect, where they hide, the kind of damage they cause, the type of operating system or platform they attack etc. Let us have a look at few of them. 

Resident Virus
This type of virus is a permanent as it dwells in the RAM. From there it can overcome and interrupt all the operations executed by the system. It can corrupt files and programs that are opened, closed, copied, renamed etc. 

Examples: Randex, CMJ, Meve, and MrKlunky.

Direct Action Viruses
The main purpose of this virus is to replicate and take action when it is executed. When a specific condition is met, the virus will go into action and infect files in the directory or folder that it is in as well as directories that are specified in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file path. This batch file is always located in the root directory of the hard disk and carries out certain operations when the computer is booted.

Examples: Vienna virus. 

Overwrite Viruses
Virus of this kind is characterized by the fact that it deletes the information contained in the files that it infects, rendering them partially or totally useless once they have been infected. The only way to clean a file infected by an overwrite virus is to delete the file completely, thus losing the original content. 

Virus Protection

Virus Protection

The most important computing advice is "back up your files", which helps to safeguard your data if you ever get a virus. The second most important principle is "run an anti-virus protection program". If your anti-virus program does not include a good firewall, you must obtain one of those as well.
Modern computer viruses are more virulent than ever. It is critically essential for the protection of all of the valuable programs and information on your computer that you run a good anti-virus protection program. Most of these applications can regularly update their database over the Internet as the threats evolve and automatically keep your anti-virus protection up-to-date and your computer safe.

Internet Worms

Internet Worms

Worms -- Types and Habitats

Worms - Types and Habitats
Penetration of a remote system can be accomplished in any of three ways... In each case the worm arranges to get a remote command interpreter which it can use to copy over, compile and execute the 99-line bootstrap. The bootstrap sets up its own network connection with the local worm and copies over the other files it needs, and using these pieces a remote worm is built and the infection procedure starts over again.
- Donn Seeley; A Tour of the Worm; University of Utah.
Internet worms are truly autonomous virtual viruses, spreading across the net, breaking into computers, and replicating without human assistance and usually without human knowledge.
Worms are particularly interesting technological constructs, with an intriguing mathematical structure and complexity. They fascinate because they take the digital imitation of life to another step -- they autonomously search for computers, penetrate them, and replicate their intelligence to continue the process.
An Internet worm can be contained in any kind of virus, program orscript. Sometimes their inventor will release them into the wild in a single copy, leaving them to replicate by themselves through a variety of stratagems and protocols.
History. Worms use a variety of methods to propagate across the Internet. Early worms simply scanned the local network drives and folders and inserted themselves into programs wherever they could, trusting human beings to move disks and directories around in the normal course of things so they could continue to spread.

Script&Macro virues

Script & Macro Viruses

Script / Macro Viruses - Types and Habitats

Script Viruses - Types and Habitats
Script viruses (sometimes called macro viruses) generally travel embedded in email and office automation documents, although they can be found in web pages as well.
Old fashioned program viruses are usually implemented in executable system code, whereas script viruses are usually written in a powerful high-level language that is compiled and run on the fly. They often have sophisticated functionality and direct interfaces to high level applications such as word processing, spreadsheet, email, and webprograms, and can wreak considerable havoc. Since they first surfaced in office automation programs, they are sometimes also called "macro" viruses. Script viruses can also propagate through IRCprotocols.
On Microsoft computers, turning on your script checking virus protection is essential. However, keep in mind that there may be an associated performance hit for some applications. Many applications on Windows are written in Visual Basic, and real-time script virus checking can double the time it takes for their usual functions to run. If you find that ordinary functions take an inordinate length of time to complete, you can try temporarily turning this feature off in your anti-virus checker -- but don't forget to turn it back on afterwards!
Active threats. The following types of script viruses are currently the most active and dangerous, on the Windows platform:
  • Visual Basic is a flexible and powerful programming environment for Microsoft Windows, Office, and Internet applications. Script viruses written in Visual Basic can run throughout the Microsoft architecture, giving them considerable reach and power, and making them the primary virus threat today. 

Boot Program viruses

Boot & Program Viruses

Boot & Program Viruses - Types and Habitats

Boot & Program Viruses - Types and Habitats
Boot and program viruses were the first viruses. They are generally made of executable code that hides inside device boot programs and application programs, and are usually targeted for a specific computer operating system. These were the earliest types of computer viruses, and remained relatively common in the wild until overtaken in 1998 by script and macro viruses.
Boot virusesBoot viruses hide in the boot code for a media device, such as a disk or CD, and run automatically when the media is loaded since boot programs are always the first code loaded from any device. Boot viruses proliferated on floppy disks and even CD's into the late 1990's, but aren't seen as often these days with the decline in importance of transferable, bootable media.
The first computer boot virus was built by a 15 year old kid namedRich Skrenta in 1982 for Apple II computers. Called “Elk Cloner”, it would activate whenever a floppy disk was booted on a computer, install itself on the computer, and then infect other disks used later. Once every 50 times an infected floppy was inserted in a computer it would display the following message.

what is the virus???????

virus is a small infectious agent that can only replicate inside the cells of another organism. The word is from the Latin ''virus'' referring to poison and other noxious substances, first used in English in 1392. ''Virulent'', from Latin ''virulentus'' (poisonous), dates to 1400. A meaning of "agent that causes infectious disease" is first recorded in 1728, The term ''virion'' is also used to refer to a single infective viral particle. The plural is "viruses".
Viruses are too small to be seen directly with a light microscope. Viruses infect all types of organisms, from animals and plants to bacteria and archaea. although there are millions of different types. Viruses are found in almost every ecosystem on Earth and these minute structures are the most abundant type of biological entity. The study of viruses is known as virology, a sub-specialty of microbiology.

Unlike prions and viroids, viruses consist of two or three parts: all viruses have genesmade from either DNA or RNA, long molecules that carry genetic information; all have a protein coat that protects these genes; and some have an envelope of fat that surrounds them when they are outside a cell. Viroids do not have a protein coat and prions contain no RNA or DNA. Viruses vary from simple helical and icosahedral shapes, to more complex structures. Most viruses are about one hundred times smaller than an average bacterium. The origins of viruses in the evolutionary history of life are unclear: some may have evolved from plasmids—pieces of DNA that can move between cells—while others may have evolved from bacteria. In evolution, viruses are an important means of horizontal gene transfer, which increases genetic diversity.
Viruses spread in many ways; plant viruses are often transmitted from plant to plant by insects that feed on sap, such as aphids, while animal viruses can be carried by blood-sucking insects. These disease-bearing organisms are known as vectors. Influenzaviruses are spread by coughing and sneezing. The norovirus and rotaviruses, common causes of viral gastroenteritis, are transmitted by the faecal-oral route and are passed from person to person by contact, entering the body in food or water. HIV is one of several viruses transmitted through sexual contact or by exposure to infected blood.
Viral infections in animals provoke an immune response that usually eliminates the infecting virus. These immune responses can also be produced by vaccines, which give immunity to specific viral infections. However, some viruses including HIV and those causing viral hepatitis evade these immune responses and cause chronic infections. Microorganisms also have defences against viral infection, such as restriction modification systems.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Turn Your Iphone Into a Camera

10 Classy Cover for Your ipad

This affordable hard cover will protect the back of your 'Pad.

Cost: $9.99

Denim never goes out of style. Now your iPad can enjoy the same jazzy jean finish.

Cost: $34.99

You can't go wrong with classic black leather.

Cost: $16.95

Give your iPad a bold splash of color with the "ColorCoat" matte cover.

Cost: $21

This high-end option combines carbon fiber protection with industrial looks.

Cost: $94.99

Choose from football, basketball, soccer or baseball with Zagg's fun sportLEATHER covers.

Cost: $39.99

Brushed anthracite will set your iPad apart from the crowd.

Cost: $15.95

iCarbons covers your iPad with trendy wood.

Cost: $24.9

Zagg offers a range of leather skins. We like the alligator effect on this one.

Cost: $39.99

Amazing War Aircraft

Matrix as Metaphysics

The Matrix presents a version of an old philosophical fable: the brain in a vat. A
disembodied brain is floating in a vat, inside a scientist's laboratory. The scientist has
arranged that the brain will be stimulated with the same sort of inputs that a normal
embodied brain receives. To do this, the brain is connected to a giant computer simulation
of a world. The simulation determines which inputs the brain receives. When the brain
produces outputs, these are fed back into the simulation. The internal state of the brain is
just like that of a normal brain, despite the fact that it lacks a body. From the brain's point
of view, things seem very much as they seem to you and m

The brain is massively deluded, it seems. It has
all sorts of false beliefs about the world. It
believes that it has a body, but it has no body. It
believes that it is walking outside in the sunlight,
but in fact it is inside a dark lab. It believes it is
one place, when in fact it may be somewhere
quite different. Perhaps it thinks it is in Tucson,
when it is actually in Australia, or even in outer
Neo's situation at the beginning of The Matrix is
something like this. He thinks that he lives in a city, he thinks that he has hair, he thinks it
is 1999, and he thinks that it is sunny outside. In reality, he is floating in space, he has no
hair, the year is around 2199, and the world has been darkened by war. There are a few
small differences from the vat scenario above: Neo's brain is located in a body, and the
computer simulation is controlled by machines rather than by a scientist. But the essential
details are much the same. In effect, Neo is a brain in a vat.

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