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Sunday 5 May 2024

Notice: Secure Your Funds with These Essential Tips

Secure Your Funds with 2FA

Protect your account and secure your funds with an extra layer of security. Activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) today:

Activate 2FA Now

If you need assistance or have any questions, our support team is here to help.

Thank you for safeguarding your account with us.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Immediate Action Required: Enable 2FA for Account Protection

Secure Your Funds with 2FA

Protect your account and secure your funds with an extra layer of security. Activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) today:

Activate 2FA Now

If you need assistance or have any questions, our support team is here to help.

Thank you for safeguarding your account with us.

Sunday 14 June 2020

Re: Hey, we have great content ideas - Interested?


I'm still waiting to hear back from you and this is my last shot in the dark.

If at any time you are in need of a business and marketing-centric guest post contributor, Let me know and I'll prioritize your request.

Looking forward to working with you in the near future!

Warm Regards,

 Bernard San Juan
 Managing Partner - Executive
facebook icon linkedin icon 

-----Original Message-----


Bumping up this email again. would love to hear back from you about the topic choices.

If you have another topic in mind, I'd love to explore it with you and see if there's any contribution we can make for your blog.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Warm Regards,

 Bernard San Juan
 Managing Partner - Executive
facebook icon linkedin icon 

-----Original Message-----


Following-up on my email from yesterday, did you get to decide on a topic I recommended?

Let me know if you're interested. Hoping to go live next week!

Warm Regards,

 Bernard San Juan
 Managing Partner - Executive
facebook icon linkedin icon 

-----Original Message-----


It's Bernard, from Truelogic.

I came upon your site and wanted to ask if you accept guest posting?

I'm interested in getting an article done for you following these ideas:

- Why Now is the Time to Invest in Ecommerce SEO
- Content Marketing: It's More Than Just Blogging
- Why Responsive Web Design Still Wins
- How to Plan SEO and Content Marketing Together

It would be great if any of these four can be shared on your website. Alternatively, if you want to cooperate on a different piece of content, I'm open to that as well and can pitch in more ideas.

I'd like to offer something in return:

An article that has more than 1500 words, expertly written, filled with images and professionally edited

We'll share it with our network of 30,000 digital marketing agencies once it's live.

Please let me know if this would be possible.

Will be waiting to speak with you soon,

Kind Regards,

 Bernard San Juan
 Managing Partner - Executive
facebook icon linkedin icon 

Thursday 11 June 2020

Re: Hey, we have great content ideas - Interested?


Bumping up this email again. would love to hear back from you about the topic choices.

If you have another topic in mind, I'd love to explore it with you and see if there's any contribution we can make for your blog.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Warm Regards,

 Bernard San Juan
 Managing Partner - Executive
facebook icon linkedin icon 

-----Original Message-----


Following-up on my email from yesterday, did you get to decide on a topic I recommended?

Let me know if you're interested. Hoping to go live next week!

Warm Regards,

 Bernard San Juan
 Managing Partner - Executive
facebook icon linkedin icon 

-----Original Message-----


It's Bernard, from Truelogic.

I came upon your site and wanted to ask if you accept guest posting?

I'm interested in getting an article done for you following these ideas:

- Why Now is the Time to Invest in Ecommerce SEO
- Content Marketing: It's More Than Just Blogging
- Why Responsive Web Design Still Wins
- How to Plan SEO and Content Marketing Together

It would be great if any of these four can be shared on your website. Alternatively, if you want to cooperate on a different piece of content, I'm open to that as well and can pitch in more ideas.

I'd like to offer something in return:

An article that has more than 1500 words, expertly written, filled with images and professionally edited

We'll share it with our network of 30,000 digital marketing agencies once it's live.

Please let me know if this would be possible.

Will be waiting to speak with you soon,

Kind Regards,

 Bernard San Juan
 Managing Partner - Executive
facebook icon linkedin icon 

Saturday 6 June 2020

Re: Hey, we have great content ideas - Interested?


Following-up on my email from yesterday, did you get to decide on a topic I recommended?

Let me know if you're interested. Hoping to go live next week!

Warm Regards,

 Bernard San Juan
 Managing Partner - Executive
facebook icon linkedin icon 

-----Original Message-----


It's Bernard, from Truelogic.

I came upon your site and wanted to ask if you accept guest posting?

I'm interested in getting an article done for you following these ideas:

- Why Now is the Time to Invest in Ecommerce SEO
- Content Marketing: It's More Than Just Blogging
- Why Responsive Web Design Still Wins
- How to Plan SEO and Content Marketing Together

It would be great if any of these four can be shared on your website. Alternatively, if you want to cooperate on a different piece of content, I'm open to that as well and can pitch in more ideas.

I'd like to offer something in return:

An article that has more than 1500 words, expertly written, filled with images and professionally edited

We'll share it with our network of 30,000 digital marketing agencies once it's live.

Please let me know if this would be possible.

Will be waiting to speak with you soon,

Kind Regards,

 Bernard San Juan
 Managing Partner - Executive
facebook icon linkedin icon 

Friday 5 June 2020

Hey, we have great content ideas - Interested?


It's Bernard, from Truelogic.

I came upon your site and wanted to ask if you accept guest posting?

I'm interested in getting an article done for you following these ideas:

- Why Now is the Time to Invest in Ecommerce SEO
- Content Marketing: It's More Than Just Blogging
- Why Responsive Web Design Still Wins
- How to Plan SEO and Content Marketing Together

It would be great if any of these four can be shared on your website. Alternatively, if you want to cooperate on a different piece of content, I'm open to that as well and can pitch in more ideas.

I'd like to offer something in return:

An article that has more than 1500 words, expertly written, filled with images and professionally edited

We'll share it with our network of 30,000 digital marketing agencies once it's live.

Please let me know if this would be possible.

Will be waiting to speak with you soon,

Kind Regards,

 Bernard San Juan
 Managing Partner - Executive
facebook icon linkedin icon 

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Re: Want on top search result

Hello ,

How are you doing today?

I'm sure you have been contacted regarding this before but our value proposition is much unique. As a business owner, you might be interested to attract more visitors. So you might be wondering, despite having a proficient website, why you are not able to overturn your competitors from the Top Search Results. If you could spare a couple of minutes, I could provide you a concise idea about it.

To start with this is Pamela Jain, A Digital Marketing Expert. While doing a search, found that  is not on the 1st Page of Google. So thought you might be interested to know about the causation for the low performance of . Most recently Maccabee update has become the talk of the town. Phantom is the name given to random updates that Google brings every now and then. This means websites having a single un-natural link are going to be penalized.

Moreover, growing preference for Mobile-Friendly Pages to help website owner's gain and hold more visitors to a website has been rolled out. So, we can help transform  into one.

Why  Needs Our Assistance:

We can help address above Issues, and Place the website in TOP Search Results. I guarantee 100% satisfaction, as we only deal in White Hat Process.

Makes Sense!!! Drop us an email with your questions, we will answer your questions.

Have a Great Day.

Thanks & Regards,
Pamela Jain| (Digital Marketing Expert)

Disclaimer:-If Interested we will send more details on our "corporate identity", "company profile", "why you should choose us?", "Price list",  etc. in our next email. If Not, You can simply reply with "remove" and we will delete your email from our list. "The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003".

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Dapatkan Bonus Belanja Rp0 di Bukalapak!

Halo, Syaifuddin zuhri chiput Memberikanmu Credits Sebesar Rp0!
Syaifuddin zuhri chiput mengundangmu untuk bergabung ke Bukalapak. Dapatkan Credits Rp0 milikmu dengan bergabung dan berbelanja di Bukalapak sekarang. Caranya mudah:
  • Klik tombol "Bergabung & Dapatkan Credits" di atas dan daftarkan akunmu
  • Atau kamu bisa mendaftar dengan membuka website Bukalapak, kemudian klik tombol "Daftar" di bagian kanan atas halaman beranda Bukalapak
  • Pada saat mendaftar tersebut, masukkan kode rafanetypep pada kolom "Kode Referral"
  • Setelah itu kamu tinggal lakukan transaksi minimum Rp200.000 paling lambat 0 hari setelah mendaftar
  • Selamat! Kamu mendapatkan Credits Rp0
Yuk, daftar dan berbelanja sekarang!

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Friday 19 July 2019

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